Happy New Year + 2016 Resolutions Book Tag

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Happy New Year, everyone! I’m wishing you all an even more awesome and healthy year for 2016! (Also, did anyone else get a WordPress Annual Report? I got mine, and it’s so cool! I also love the My Year in Books feature on Goodreads. And here is a photo of my #2015Best9 for my bookstagram. Just so many awesome reports; it makes things so easy.)

Today I wanted to share with you guys my goals for 2016! And what better way to do this than a tag post? I was tagged by the original creator of this tag, Trisha at The Bookgasm. Thanks so much, Trisha! (I hope your hiatus from the blogosphere has been relaxing and nice.)

Since this is going to be one of those text heavy posts… let’s jump right in, shall we?

Bookish Resolutions

  • Same as last year, I’ve decided to keep my 30 books reading goal. I often say that I’m a slow reader… but, honestly, I don’t think that’s case. Rather than having a slow pace, I just don’t read as much as other bookworms or book bloggers. With school, work, extracurriculars, and personal life obligations I don’t leave a lot of time designated for reading. So my goal for 2016 is to maintain my objective of reading 30 books.
  • I want to try reading more literary fiction and nonfiction this year. Or venture out and read more books for an older audience (non-YA books).
  • I NEED, need to remedy this darn book buying obsession. Instead of banning the purchase of books or limiting myself to a number of buys each month (I’ve tried both and failed), I just want to try to buy less books compared to this year overall.
  • I’d like to start using my ereader more!  Seriously, I think I’ve only read like 10 books off my ereader. This is going to have to change now that my electronic library has 100+ books in it.
  • Find a balance between reading the ARCs that must be reviewed and books I purchased myself (non-ARCs). I’m the type where I just must tackle the ARC queue no matter of what mood I’m in. In the last couple of months of 2015, I began to receive unsolicited copies from publishers. However, on top of titles I request and am approved of, it’s just too many books to handle for a reader like myself (I don’t devour books that fast). By all means, I’m not complaining. I’m rather grateful actually. But the list has gotten overwhelming to the point where I’ve stopped requesting books and feel like I only read ARCs and not books I want to read or am in the mood for (A Little Life, The Winner’s Curse, Six of Crows, Soundless, etc). So I want to try to find this equilibrium so I don’t experience blogger burnout.

Book Blogging Resolutions

  • I recently released a post that stated this blog has become award/tag free. I’ll still be posting some tags and awards that I was nominated and tagged in 2015 though, but I really hope to post more book reviews and discussion posts this year.
  • When Xingsings started I didn’t think I’d have a particular focus for this blog (hence my phonetically funny handle), and I kind of sort of became a book blog naturally. However, I think I want to try to post some non bookish posts in the future, such as Asian drama, film, and anime reviews. Or really anything that inspires me, I don’t know. 😛

Career/Academic Resolutions

  • I usually take each school term step by step and try not to fret about each class. It’s not good to build stress, you know? Nevertheless, I’m keeping my fingers crossed that this will be a smooth last semester (of undergraduate studies).
  • Of the courses I’m taking I’m the most afraid of speech. The hard sciences is fine. Essays? Those aren’t bad. But I have terrible, awful stage fright and get really nervous speaking in front of a large crowd. I’ll be okay if I don’t get an A in the class; just please don’t let me pass out!
  • I begin pharmacy school in fall of 2016, I also wish for my first semester in professional school to go smoothly.
  • I’m really hoping to continue shadowing and getting more exposure in the field of pharmacy to allow me to explore the different career paths. Hopefully summer of 2016, I’ll be able to find a good program at the hospital near my home.

Personal Resolutions

  • Well, as most of you guys know by now I’m vegetarian. But since August of 2015 I also stopped eating eggs (baked goods with eggs is okay though) because of the unethical practices in the industry that produce them. (I blame it on my vegan Anatomy and Physiology 2 professor…) Honestly, I’ve always kind of ate healthy so I just want to maintain that diet this year.
  • I was much more fit and exercised almost daily when I was in high school. I’ve let that go since I started college…. and I really have regret it. I want to go back to working out daily (minus Sundays though) not to lose weight or anything but to become a healthier me (internally).
  • This is going to be super random… but I’d like to explore more types of tea. I already drink a lot of tea since I’m not much a coffee person (and if you’re a reader you have to like either/or right?) but it was only 2015 did I really start drinking some more exotic brews.
  • I really need to keep up with using my calendar religiously, and sticking to a schedule and routine everyday. I began doing that when school started in 2015 and it really has made me more productive, I think!

Spreading the new year cheer with these folks –

And so those are my 2016 goals. All of them aren’t that ambitious so hopefully they won’t fall through. What are your plans or resolutions for the new year? Let me know in the comments! And have a wonderful January 1st (please stay safe)!


Blog @xingsings | Instagram @readxings | Twitter @xingsings

51 thoughts on “Happy New Year + 2016 Resolutions Book Tag

    • Summer @ Xingsings says:

      Thank you, Briana! ^.^

      I have a Pinterest but I confess I’m very bad at using it. However, I hope you achieve your goal with that platform. And that’s okay, you can always make resolutions along the way. 😉


  1. Nerdybirdy @ Daydreaming Books says:

    I’m glad to say that I can finally skip this tag!! 😛 Because I did write a mini 2016 Goals in my monthly wrap up post of December. Nonetheless, best of luck, I know you can definitely fulfill all of them! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  2. fiddlerblue says:

    Happy new year to you, Summer! 🙂 Good luck with your studies, I know you are going to rock that speech class and the professional school. I had a lot of anxiety going into my internship as occupational therapist, but once I was there everything began to fall into place, one way or another 🙂
    I also plan to be more active and to exercise more this year compared to the previous one. Oooh exotic tea! Which ones did you try and like so far?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Summer @ Xingsings says:

      Ah, thank you so much, Joan! I hope you and your family had a wonderful New Year’s day, and will create awesome memories in 2016!. ^.^

      That is so very cool! One of my friends is an Exercise Science major but she’s looking about finding a job with therapy.

      As for tea, I’m currently drinking “Mystic Dragon” tea which is blend of “Japanese Sencha and Chinese dragonwell green teas.” I pretty much like to try anything though. Are you a big tea drinker yourself? 🙂


  3. Building The Confidence says:

    So many resolutions in one post >.<! But I am sure you can complete them! I always look forward to reading your reviews! Teas are amazing, I got hooked while working at a coffee shop. I would recommend buying them in small batches, some teas refuse to taste good even if you do add a lot of other stuff to it.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Liam's Library says:

    I would love to discover more teas too!! I usually stick with the same one but finding new favourite teas is so fun! Good luck with all of your studies and with balancing exercise (I could probably do a little more of that too). Enjoy your reading genre-expansion too! There are so many great books out there to discover 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Carolyn says:

    Gurl, I used to get such stage fright, it’s not even funny. But in college, I had to speak in front of classrooms and to different people all the time so I guess practice helps ease the fear but I don’t think I’ll ever be able to make speeches without cue cards or memorizing my lines. I envy the people who can wing it. How did I not know you were a vegetarian?? It’s interesting how you don’t eat eggs but you can eat baked goods with eggs. Is there a reason why? I feel like I’m not that healthy and I’ve been trying to make healthier meals but idk how much good it’s doing. You should do a healthy meals post;)

    Liked by 1 person

    • Summer @ Xingsings says:

      Me too! There was this guy that I grew up with named Adrian. He was popular and such a people person. I was always so envious of him that he could present things without appearing nervous. I wish I could be that natural.

      And thanks for sharing your story. It gives me some reassurance. Hopefully practice will make me improve with taming that fear… You literally can see my hands shaking when I hold notecards. So I always have to put them down no the podium. Embarrassing…

      And yeah! I am a vegetarian. I don’t know how this never came up in our conversations… lol.

      As for the eggs question… Well my vegan professor talked about why he converted and it kind of inspired me too after learning how eggs are manufactured and the unethical practices humans treat chickens for them to produce eggs. Thought I don’t directly eat eggs I still like baked goods (like pecan pie) for me to give those completely up. Then again I haven’t had any sweets after my first cavity in 2015. But yeah. Hope that wasn’t too crazy of explanation (I feel like I say so much extra stuff, LOL).

      Healthy meals post? Pshh, I’m not even a good cook! I can do simple things like Viet spring rolls (but that’s basically boiling noodles and washing herbs, LOL), Viet sour soup, spaghetti, mashed potatoes, potato soup, etc. I cook and eat super simple stuff like that-which is probably not even worth sharing? XD

      Liked by 1 person

      • Carolyn says:

        Yup, it probably has a lot to do with my fraternity and how every rush week I have to speak with so many people @.@
        Do you like vegan baked goods? I had a vegan cake last week and I actually really liked it although I did miss how moist cake usually is lol. I find that I don’t really eat a lot of candy now than I use to which is completely unexplainable but it’s a good thing lol
        I suck at cooking too :/ How do you make Viet sour soup, I wanna know that :p

        Liked by 1 person

  6. Jenna @ Reading with Jenna says:

    Hehe, some very sensible resolutions! I am excited to read some of your non-bookish posts in the future. And omg I relate so much to the speeches thing. My hands just start visibly shaking every time I need to give a talk but it gets better with practice I think. I have to give a 40 minute talk on my research either this year or next year and I am dreading it so much! I feel like I need to start practising right now 😥

    Liked by 1 person

    • Summer @ Xingsings says:

      I actually already have a non bookish post scheduled for the end of this week. (Can you believe I have posts already all scheduled up until March-not book reviews though.) And aww. That is so me. When I start shaking I have to place my notecards on the podium because my nerves are so apparent. So embarrassing… but I’m really hoping practice will allow me to approve and overcome this fear. And that sounds dreadful! ): So much time allotted too. I know you’ve got this. Being the meticulous person you are, I’m sure you’ll be well prepared even if nerves get in the way!

      Liked by 1 person

      • Jenna @ Reading with Jenna says:

        WOW. Organisation skills on point! I can only schedule posts one or two weeks in advance because I get so excited to just post them! And also because I am not as organised 😀 Strangely, reviews are the posts that I can schedule most in advance. I guess it helps when I get ARCs really early and have to wait before I hit post!

        Omg I do that podium thing too now. And I’ve started resting my hands on it as well so that it’s less visible. My biggest fear is when there’s no podium…

        Liked by 1 person

        • Summer @ Xingsings says:

          The only reason why I can’t schedule reviews is because I’m always so behind on my reading. (There are days I don’t pick up a book… so… yeah) Lately, I’ve been super behind on ARCs. :/ But I’m attempting to have them all read by the end of March before I request any new ones. The unsolicited packages is what’s adding to the pile…

          Liked by 1 person

  7. Marie @ drizzleandhurricanebooks says:

    Happy New Year Summer, and all the best! ❤ I love all of your resolutions, I really hope you’ll make it. I would love to read more of your non-bookish posts, it’s going to be so great! I hope that this year will be amazing, especially in pharmacy school, I hope you’ll love it! 🙂 And YES to tea. I absolutely LOVE drinking tea, I’m glad to hear you like that, too! There are SO many types, that’s crazy, ahah. Tell me all about your discoveries! :p

    Liked by 1 person

    • Summer @ Xingsings says:

      Aww, thank you so much, Marie! ^.^ Belated (though I’m sure we wished this to each other before in another threaded comment) but happy new year to you, too. I’ve started to realize that most of my non bookish posts so far have been my favorite to compose. It doesn’t necessarily mean I don’t like to book blog anymore but there’s so many other things I’m passionate and excited to share with everyone. So thank you for the support! And ooh, YES, tea is the best! My current favorite (that’s not really that exotic) is Oolong. But before that I was drinking something called Mystic Dragon, which was mix of Japanese Sencha and Chinese Green Teas.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Marie @ drizzleandhurricanebooks says:

        Well, I think that it doesn’t matter if you don’t write bookish posts all the tiime, what matters is that you write things that you’re passionnate about. And people will LOVE to read those! 😀
        Oh wow, that sounds really great, Mystic Dragon. I really want to try it!


  8. Becky (Blogs of a Bookaholic) says:

    Happy New Year, Summer! Loved reading your 2015 round up. I hope 2016’s a great one for you. It sounds like you have lots of exciting academic stuff going on and I look forward to hearing how you progress. I’m sure you’ll rock it!

    As for your slow reading, I’m so glad to come across someone else in the blogosphere that feels the same way, because I’ve always felt slow in comparison to others. I also only managed 30 books this year, and that’s generally my total give or take a few every year. Sometimes I wish I could read faster because there are so many amazing books out there, but it’s important to participate in real life too (as much as I love the world of books). 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Summer @ Xingsings says:

      Thanks so much, Becky! ^.^ I used to be able to read about 70-80 books a year when I was in elementary and middle school, but since then I’ve never managed to read that many since there’s so many non-bookish things I like to do. I feel so relieved you feel the same way! You’re one of the few in the blogosphere that seems to read less books like myself. I don’t know how the fast readers do it with school, work, and sometimes other general adulting activities. It’s amazing!

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Thuong Le says:

    Good luck on your resolutions!
    30 books sounds like an manageable amount to read. 50 books was clearly too much pressure for me last year, I think I’ll be reducing the amount I will be reading this year.
    Aw, I think you just need self-control when buying books. Maybe use your local library more too 😉 I’m a really fussy book buyer lol thats why I usually stick to e-books.
    Same here, I need to get back into a exercise routine! I don’t want to lose weight either, just want to be in shape! Different flavoured tea is the best! I really like salted caramel green tea ❤
    Happy New Year!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Summer @ Xingsings says:

      Thank you, Thuong! I read 36 books this year while having a few reading slumps here and there. I’m sure I could bump it up to 40 this year but, I agree, I think 30 will be a more comfortable goal for me. AND LOL. BUT IT’S JUST TOO HARD. I want all the books! And there’s so many bargain sales at my local bookstore. I always get my books for less than the $5 (unless it’s Cassie Clare or one of my favorite authors; those are instant buys as they’re released); it’s just too cheap to pass up. Also, I haven’t shared this with anyone but I think I’ve become an extreme book snob. The older library books at my local library have a really funky, faint cigarette smell. I experienced that when I first borrowed Rebel Belle, A Darker Shade of Magic, and other titles this year… I don’t remember the odor being that bad when I was a kid though. But I’ve been sort of good (with not buying as many books) lately. However I’m sure by the end of the month, my book haul will still remain just as ridiculous as it usually is. But enough, of my book buying addiction, lol.

      And salted caramel green tea sounds so good! Can you prepare that yourself or is it the cafe bought kind? I’ll have to look for it the next time I go the supermarket!

      Belated, but happy new year to you, too! 😀

      Liked by 1 person

      • Thuong Le says:

        I think I might set a goal for 30 books too after I write all my reviews! Books under $5 sounds like a great bargain! Don’t blame you 😉 I take it your excited for Lady Midnight? I’ll probably read it too. Aw really? I don’t think its a bad thing to be a book snob. Nothing wrong with having books in perfect condition! Yes that is the problem when you borrow books. When I borrowed Simon Vs Homo Sapiens Agenda, it was in pristine condition but when I wanted to borrow One Day but the condition was really old and tatty with pages looking like it was going to fall out! Oh that’s good, your doing well in your book buying ban.
        I wish I can be bothered to make it myself! I buy the green tea from Tesco’s, its by Twinning’s if your interested 🙂 Thanks!

        Liked by 1 person

        • Summer @ Xingsings says:

          Am I excited for Lady Midnight? YES!! To be honest, I don’t feel as attached to the characters as I did with TMI and TID but that could be because they were kids and only part of the supporting cast when they appeared in the later TMI installments. And oh my gosh, we have Twining’s tea over here, too. I’ll try to find the salted caramel one in stores then. Thanks! 😀

          Liked by 1 person

  10. Jeann @ Happy Indulgence says:

    Happy New Year Summer! So many amazing goals for the year, I totally hear you when you talk about finding a balance between ARCs and books that you’ve bought. It’s a hard thing to stick to, but also the best to avoiding blogging burn out! I wish you the best of luck for your goals moving forward!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Summer @ Xingsings says:

      Thanks so much, Jeann! Well hopefully you’ll be able to share some of the ARCs among your cobloggers to lessen the burden. And you’re right, blogger burnout wouldn’t be pleasant; I’m going to take it easy for a while. Aww, thank you! I hope you have a fantastic 2016 as well. With the addition to Happy Indulgence family last year and your recent engagement, I’m sure it’ll be fantastic year for you. ^.^


  11. cw @ readthinkponder says:

    Happy New Year Summer! I’ve said it before but I’ll say it again, I’m SO proud of you for getting into Pharmacy School! You have some great resolutions – all of which I hope you will achieve!! – and I have this gut feeling that you’re going to have an amazing 2016 ahead. Maybe it’ll be hard and there will be obstacles, but you’re a bright, sunny person and I know you’ll get through it just fine. ❤️

    All the best, Summer! I’ll be supporting you from the sidelines. ❤️❤️

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    • Summer @ Xingsings says:

      Aww, thanks so much, Chooi! ❤ I feel like you’re the older sister I never had. I’m really glad I met you through the blogosphere. And I hope I get to meet more amazing, supportive people like you in 2016. School and real life are definitely going to be tough this year (I’m sure that’ll be reflected with my lack of blog posts) but I’ll hang in there. Thanks so much for the warm wishes and support, as always. ❤


  12. dreamingthroughliterature says:

    Good luck on every resolution you have this year Summer! I hope you are able to achieve everything you want and more 🙂 (Also, thanks for the tag. This is perfect for my post today!)

    Liked by 1 person

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