Summer Says: The Things That Make (Book) Blogging So Worthwhile

Don't Deny It-3

If you haven’t already read Liam’s heartfelt discussion post from the other day, I suggest you go take a look (I’ll link it here). In his post, he discusses the struggle that most bloggers have in common: finding the balance between blogging and juggling real life.

Naturally, I left a Summer bomb on his post but afterwards I was still feeling really inspired. So I decided to create a draft, which essentially became the post I’m sharing today: “The Things That Makes (Book) Blogging So Worthwhile”

I don’t think any of us can deny that blogging takes time, effort, and energy. Your blog is what you want it to be. With that being said, it can be stressful. There have certainly been times in the past where I’ve felt overwhelmed and pressured with releasing content for Xingsings. (You guys may even recognize these moments of weakness with posts like my Semihiatus From Ten Tuesday, first Summer Says discussion, and Hate Comments posts.) I do get bogged down; and I have definitely experienced those anxieties and insecurities. Anyway, my point is that I created this post to share a few reasons why I never stopped blogging even when it was tough. In my opinion, there are so many rewarding aspects that are attached to blogging.

I hope you guys can find it somewhat relatable!


  • So when my WordPress notification button has that bright orange bubble, I sort of get excited? I don’t know, it makes me extremely giddy to know I may make a potentially new friend, reconnect with an old one, or just interact with the community in general. (Or sometimes have the surprise attack of having one of my in real life friends tell me to check my phone. Yup, I am guilty of checking my blog more than my text messages sometimes, lol.)
  • I kid you not when I say, reading comments gives me life-especially those extremely lengthy ones that you know must have taken that reader time to compose. (Maybe I’m only saying this because I’m one to leave essays on other people’s posts, haha. I’m sure some people must feel burdened by those summer bombs. 😂 )
  • So I think I’ve talked about this before but shoutouts/tags/nominations/pingbacks just make me smile. Though I’m a wishy-washy award/tag free blog now, every time I see one of those notifications I still consider it as a huge compliment. Because I think the idea behind using shoutouts/tags/nominations/pingbacks is to recognize blogs and bloggers. That means someone is thinking about you or think your post/blog is noteworthy enough for them to share it to their readers. I don’t know, maybe I’m reading too much into it but that’s how I truly feel.
  • Ah, and hitting follower milestones makes me want to jump and do an uncoordinated, happy dance every single time. Ironically, my very first Summer Says post did generate this huge focus on “Stats don’t matter! Blog for you!” vibe going on. And I still do believe in that, but I must admit numbers and stats are one of the ways (but not the only one!) I use to gain feedback about my blog. When I see certain posts being viewed or shared more I get an understanding what the community likes or prefers to read without releasing an explicit poll for people to take. However, with that being said, if you have less traffic on your blog that does not mean you have less quality content by any means. I’m just saying I use the milestones and stats as one of many ways to gain feedback on how I’m doing.


  • However much we say we’re introverts, it’s human nature to want to feel inclusive in certain things or groups.
  • This is nothing new to share because I express this all of the time but meeting fellow bookworms or book dragons that happen to blog is the best thing ever. Mainly because I don’t have a lot of friends that enjoy reading in real life. I do have a couple but I’m just greedy, okay? I want to have a lot of bookish friends so when I’m reading a certain book I know who I can turn to gush and lament with, etc. Maybe that’s why I’m such a blog hunter. Thats right, you read that correctly. When Xingsings was a baby blog, I would essentially blog hop by using the WordPress book tags so that I could make more friends (and gain more traffic, not going to lie). But it felt more like hunting since it was quite tedious finding genuine book bloggers that had the same taste as I did. But, gosh, do I paint myself savage. Summer bombs, blog hunting… I swear, I’m really a nice person in real life, you guys. 😅
  • Well it’s one thing about meeting people but it’s another wonderfully great thing to build friendships. I met a number of really amazing friends via blogging and the blogosphere and I am so thankful for that. Side note: I literally live in the middle of nowhere and have no bloggers near me (that I know of)… but when I see bloggers do “in real life” meet ups or book blogger conventions I am beyond envious but also very happy for them.
  • I suppose some don’t need to blog to understand the fangirl/fanboy or bookish jargon, but the blogosphere is certainly a platform where one will grow familiar to “I ship it,” “all the feels,” and other nonsensical phrases. I sort of knew the jargon pre-blogging but there were a few things I didn’t catch on until after I had started (like I had no idea who a publicist was, etc).


  • So everyone talks about the numbers and the wonderful community, but what about the growth and improvement you gain as a blogger?
  • The biggest and probably one of the most worthwhile things that results from blogging is when your archive grows. So what do I mean by that? Well you know that thing on blogs that show how many posts you’ve released in “Month X” or “Month Y”? Or that dropdown menu that has all those months you’ve published posts? Well seeing that menu grow makes everything so satisfying and rewarding. I’ve mentioned in passing before but my greatest struggle with blogging in the past was staying consistent and committed. I’ve had other “book blogs”(I shall not divulge the urls because I’m too embarassed by them), but I was never able to continuously release content for more than a week or two. Yup, my willpower was weak before, haha. I think it’s just really difficult to keep up with a blog if you feel discouraged (and sometimes this can stem from not having the targeted traffic you think you’d get when you start out or seeing other bloggers’ popularity). By no means am I a veteran blogger but I’m not a new one anymore either. To sum what I’m trying to say, I guess it feels great to say “I’ve been blogging for a year and half” and to have that archive to support your claim.
  • Which brings me onto the “index” or “book review list.” If you don’t already, I highly recommend book bloggers to create one of these for their blogs. It helps your new and old readers navigate and see what you’ve posted. And adding to and seeing that comprehensive list of book reviews is so darn satisfying, you know?
  • Blogging also helps you improve on your writing. If it’s not your vocabulary, spelling, or grammar that enhances, you can at least acquire speed in thinking up what to write. It used to take me hours to create blog post. #noshame But I can easily say it doesn’t take me nearly as long anymore. Maybe 30 minutes to conjure up a rough draft and a few edits here and there before I’m able to schedule it as a final product to publish. Anyway, I believe blogging awakens the writing creativity in folks.
  • Is it weird for me to share that blogging is a healthy outlet for procrastination? So yes, this could totally be a disadvantage. But think of this way, there are worse forms of distraction. Like Youtube. (Youtube is an evil temptress that will lure you to fall into an abyss of pointless hours of nothingness. I’ve been there many times, unfortunately.) I find that blogging helps me to stay motivated because reading what other individuals are up to tends to inspire me to do well in real life? Is that just me? You guys can totally ignore this bullet if it doesn’t apply to you, lol.


  • This is more of a bonus than an important aspect but the opportunities we gain from blogging is pretty cool.
  • So when I first created Xingsings I never even considered making other social media accounts. But, of course, I joined the bandwagon and now have a Twitter and Bookstagram. I don’t use my Twitter all that much but I do recognize the benefits of using such an outlet. I’m not too familiar with book chats yet since I’ve only participated in one. It was a bit chaotic and overwhelming but thrilling (in a good way) all at the same time. And I’ve only started to use my Bookstagram more seriously these past few months. Anyway, both of these social media platforms have a different way of operating compared to blogging, but are awesome ways to meet new bookish friends.
  • Another opportunity that I’ve gained because of book blogging was discovering and learning more about book festivals or events. It is all thanks to the blogosphere that I learned of Yallfest, a book festival based in the same state I live in (I still cannot believe this escaped my notice for the past five years), in which I attended last year and had a total blast.
  • So this was something I was already aware of pre-blogging, but requesting and receiving ARCs or review copies from authors and publishers is such an amazing privilege. Instead of dwelling on this topic, you can read more of my thoughts on review copies with my previous Summer Says posts (one about how I go about requesting them and another on the cons to requesting/reading ARCs)
  • I suppose this next one can be a benefit or disadvantage depending on how you look at it… Though my endless TBR pile gives me anxiety, I still love discovering new books from fellow bloggers or just through browsing the blogosphere in passing. (Waiting on Wednesday and Top Ten Tuesday posts that float in the blogosphere tend to be the main source.)

Discussion Time!

  • Do you ever feel overwhelmed or pressured to blog? Any other blogging insecurities?
  • What do you find makes the time, effort, and commitment you put in your blog worth it? In other words, what is the most rewarding thing about blogging?

And we’ve reached the end! It’s been a long while since my last Summer Says post, hasn’t it? ^.^ And technically I haven’t been available in the blogosphere as of late despite being out for the summer from school. And that’s because, admittedly, I’ve fallen in a reading slump. I haven’t finished reading a book in weeks (that’s how bad it is). Therefore I haven’t had much to share with the blogosphere in terms of book reviews. (Then again, I have book review drafts waiting in the queue… But I haven’t felt ready to put my thoughts into words for those titles yet. But lately, I’ve been focusing on trying to catch up with replying to old comments anyway, so I guess it’s okay.) Anyway, thank you all for reading! Until next time. 🙂


Blog @xingsings | Instagram @readxings | Twitter @xingsings

58 thoughts on “Summer Says: The Things That Make (Book) Blogging So Worthwhile

  1. Liam @ Hey Ashers! says:

    This is a fantastic post. Wish I’d read something like it when I first started my blog; it would’ve given me the excitement and energy to really dive into the book blogging community, instead of being a hermit and blogging only to myself and my friends. I’m glad I came out of my hermitage, though, because you’re absolutely right: there are so many great things about being engaged in the community!

    Also: I love that you call your replies “Summer bombs.” 😀

    Liked by 3 people

    • Summer @ Xingsings says:

      Thank you, Liam! (And hehe, it was embarrassing calling them Summer bombs but then people started using those words so I guess it stayed. XD )

      And I know exactly what you mean. I think we all have a certain person that got us to become more involved in the community. One of my fellow blogger friend (that doesn’t really blog anymore) was my first commenter and I realized the fun of becoming more interactive with the blogosphere. :3

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Hilary @ SongsWroteMyStory says:

    This is a fantastic post. Being still relatively knew to the whole book blogging thing, it’s nice to find these and realize that it’s not just me who sometimes struggles with putting it all together.
    I find I don’t run into the pressure to post too much, because I’ve known from the very start that this always had to take second place to my work and life. But I definitely feel the pressure when it comes to producing good content or trying to create something original. It’s fun, though, and I’m so far enjoying poking my nose into the community and getting to know people and books and finding out about things I would haven’t known of otherwise.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Summer @ Xingsings says:

      Thank you, Hilary! ^.^

      Ah yes, I still consider myself to be relatively new compared to those veteran bloggers that have blogged for many years, but I’ve learned that no matter what stage in our journey we’re on we will always have our insecurities and struggles.

      And that’s such a healthy approach! I know what you mean about quality content; the creativity is certainly challenging since we have so many great voices in this community. And yes! Interaction and making friends is certainly some of the best parts of this hobby.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Nerdybirdy @ Daydreaming Books says:

    So sooo true! Blogging is time consuming and it requires a lot of effort but it’s definitely worth it when all the comments starts pouring in and we get to fangirl with a million others! Okay… that might be a bit exaggerated but it’s kinda true. 🙂 The best part is that we know we are not alone and there are so many others book maniacs just like us!

    I took too much requests previous year so I have tone it down a bit, I also keep a schedule prepared at the beginning of the month so that I’d be ready to post when the day comes, so I think by following this method the pressure has reduced quite a bit.

    LOVE this post Summer! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Summer @ Xingsings says:

      Thank you, Poulami! That means a lot!

      Very true, I know very few friends in my real life that actually read (and the ones that do don’t read as much as I do-which is sort of funny since I’m the tortoise in our book blogging community it feels like).

      And that’s great the you have a schedule! I tend to have one if I do participate in blog tours, which aren’t very often anyway. And I’m the same way about requesting books now (no more crazy sprees anymore)!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Marie @ drizzleandhurricanebooks says:

    ONce again, what a great post, and I really missed these kind of posts! 🙂 I definitely agree with everything you’ve just written. Even if stats shouldn’t matter, it makes me happy to see pageviews and people interested in what I have to say, but notifications and comments just make me the happiest. being able to share with the community, making new friends and talking with old ones is the best feeling and it never fails to put a smile on my face. There are harsh sides of blogging, for sure, but whenever I feel down, I try and remember just these things you’ve written, and I feel happy again 🙂
    Incredible post 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    • Summer @ Xingsings says:

      Aww, thank you, Marie! ^.^

      I do the same! I don’t get that sad over things with blogging as much as I did when I started but just remembering the rewarding things coupled with the stresses makes me feel happy and satisfied with how far I’ve come (obviously success is relative-but it’s safe to say that most of us can be proud of our blogs).

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Eve Messenger says:

    This post is golden. The term “Summer bomb” made me laugh out loud because I relate to being so inspired by a blog post that I leave “Eve bombs” of my own (including this one). And I totally agree, the bright orange WordPress bubble=bliss. I connected with everything, just everything about this post: opening other social media accounts, feeling overwhelmed by keeping up with a blog (and guilty when I don’t–like lately) while trying to accomplish other real-world things like working, raising a family, and writing novels. Yes, so true, blogging about books and writing has taught me jargon, like “ARCs” “TBR” “DNF,” and so much more. I agree that blogging helps improve writing, but I’m afraid I’ve been taking the easy way out lately and doing more book tags because–I don’t know–book tags aren’t exactly quick to put together, but maybe I’m not trusting that what I’ll have to write will be worthwhile, at least not on my blog. Maybe because I’m putting a lot of that literary creativity into the YA novels I’ve been working on. And thanks for the reminder to put together an index for my blog. My blog’s been live for nearly a year now, and it’s time I got around to organizing the posts. If you have any tips on how to do that, I’m all ears–er, eyes?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Summer @ Xingsings says:

      What a compliment! Thank you, Eve! (And hehe, comment bombs truly are the best!)

      I’m so glad to hear most of this was relatable for you! I’m the same way, I feel so bad when I don’t reply to comments on time or miss posts in the blogosphere, but I always try to remember that all the bloggers in our community are humans and they have lives outside of the blogosphere so they’ll always understand any hiatuses and absences and be there when I return. But it was tough accepting this in my mind at first.

      And don’t think you’re cheating with completing tag/award posts. I think our mind tricks us in thinking it’s the easy way out just because we don’t have to think about composing or writing anything but answering questions is a lot of work still, like you mentioned. :3

      Ah yes, indexes or just a list of your published posts really do help! I tend to go straight to those just to see what a blogger’s interests are. As for organization… Have you used categories since you’ve been blogging? Because if you have then you can even make menus using those (so you don’t have to create a list yourself, WP will organize it for you). If that doesn’t make sense, this is what I mean (I did it for my book reviews even though I also have an index I self generated). So every time I publish a new book review it’ll go under that tab. And I also do this for other posts like book hauls, monthly wrap ups, and bookish memes. But that’s pretty much what I really focus on for how I organize my posts.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. leathehatless says:

    Great post Summer. 😀

    It’s true, sometimes I can’t believe how many posts I’ve written or how many time has passed since I have the blog. I do feel pressured to write but now I just come to terms that I should write when I have something to say or that is worth sharing. Blogging is a hobby for me and it shouldn’t feel like another job.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Summer @ Xingsings says:

      Thank you! ^.^

      Well said! I absolutely agree when blogging becomes a burden it is important to step back and treat it like a hobby. And I know what you mean about the pressure to write… I used to publish all my book reviews on Xingsings but now I’ve narrowed it to only ones I think readers of my blog will find beneficial-I do the rest on Goodreas. And I really like that distribution.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Mariana | Book Is Glee says:

    THIS! This is a W-O-W kind of amazing post Summer!
    Everything, every single things you said is on point. Seeing my notifications go orange or getting tagged (plus all the other awesome things) are definitely super satisfying and just simply make my day. I can’t describe how incredible this post is. I absolutely love it! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • Summer @ Xingsings says:

      Aww, thank you, Mariana! This comment certainly made my day, thank you!

      Hehe, I know right. The yellow bubble is the best thing ever (I think only WP users will understand though, haha). And I’m so happy to hear this post was relatable for you!

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Liam's Library says:

    This is such a wonderful post, Summer! If this doesn’t lift a book blogger’s spirits I don’t know what will.
    I wholeheartedly agree with every point you put down. Probably the thing that makes me most happy and feels rewarding through book blogging is the community side of it. Everyone I’ve met through doing this has been so nice and accepting, it’s made me feel like a part of something.
    But every time I see a notification and yes, even some stats my heart just lifts and it makes my day.
    It’s hard work (harder than it looks) but it makes the achievements all the more satisfying. Thanks for your kind words on my post, I’m glad it made such an impact. I’m so happy you shared your thoughts too 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Summer @ Xingsings says:

      Thank you, Liam! And, of course, I loved your post and it really hit home for me.

      And exactly! The funny thing is that I think the first three months that I started blogging I talked to literally no one. It was such a discouraging time (because I literally didn’t even get any tumbleweed blog hoppers-what am I even saying??) but I’m glad that someone reached out to me and helped me become aware of this awesome side of blogging that I didn’t even know existed. (I mean I saw people commenting on other blogs but I wasn’t hesitant in making the first movie in conversation.) I guess I’m shy online, too. But you’re right, I love how the book blogging community is so positive and supportive. 🙂


  9. Warisha Reads says:

    Hey Summer! You’ve just made my day. Let me tell you how!
    To begin with, I almost die with ecstasy when you drop one of your Summer Bombs on my blog posts. I savor each and every word.
    Personally for me, I am really positive about my blog to be a reflection about how I feel, about a book and things in general as well. I agree that milestones and stats do tell a lot about how good the blog is doing, but for some reason I feel they shouldn’t pressure me to do what must be accepted. I want it to be a wonderful pleasure, not an excruciating chore. At the end of the day, this is what matters.
    Blogging is wonderful, it connects us to a world we would’ve never known. It gives us a voice and and is an enriching experience.
    It is a lot of hard work and I may not feel like writing a blog post now and the, but then when I do I do it, because it is mine. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Summer @ Xingsings says:

      Aww, thank you, Warisha! Reading this comment really made me happy. I’m glad that you appreciate the long comments I drop from time to time on Warisha Reads.

      I absolutely agree with you, there was a short time last year where I was completely obsessed with the numbers (stats and whatnot) but I had to step back and remember why I chose to blog and it definitely put everything in perspective. The numbers do encourage me but it’s not the only thing that motivates me to continue Xingsings.

      And exactly! I’m really shy in person and I think blogging is the perfect outlet to share my thoughts without feel like I’m going to be judged or embarrassed. The blogging community is generally so kinds, supportive, and positive, which I’m so thankful for. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Read Diverse Books says:

    Such a comprehensive post. So relatable and honest and true!

    I do have insecurities as a blogger every day. But I have learned to get over them slowly over time. I only post 3 times a week and I had to accept the fact that my blog stats would be very low on the weekends because I don’t post. And honesty, it doesn’t really matter! Reaching that point of accepting how much time and energy I want to devote to blogging was very liberating.

    The bit about notifications and comments giving you life is so on point! Hahaha. There’s nothing quite as satisfying as seeing one of you posts reach 30+ comments, is there?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Summer @ Xingsings says:

      Why thank you, Naz!

      That’s still really amazing that you’re able to post triweekly though! I used to be the same way but I’ve resigned to the fact I’m only able to post twice a week because of my real life obligations. However, you’re right, it doesn’t even matter how often we post or what the numbers express we should be proud of the content we release. It took me a long time to accept that myself.

      And haha, so glad you relate! ^.^


  11. Lois says:

    My neck is aching from all the nodding I’ve done in agreement to EVERYTHING you’ve said here. Blogging can definitely be stressful but at the end of the day there are definitely more pros than cons to blogging. I love seeing that orange notification bubble and I love it even more when I read the comments on my posts. More than that, I love hopping on to different blogs and leaving my long essay like paragraphs on the posts they share.

    As always, the best thing about blogging to me is the community. Like you, I live in the middle of nowhere. I don’t have a lot of friends that are readers and bookish events near my little rural community is nonexistent. So to have this platform where I can share my love and appreciation for books is a wonderful delight. Nothing can quite compare to connecting with others through books and have that lead into a deeper friendship. And on top of all that there’s an understanding that we still have to balance our reality with blogging. So whenever a blogger takes a break there’s no backlash or pressure, just support and understanding.

    I am so thankful to this community for so many reasons and I love all of the different ways blogging impacts our lives. 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    • Summer @ Xingsings says:

      This could be the best compliment I’ve received on a discussion post yet! Thank you, Lois!

      I can’t agree more, the notifications and comments do make me happy but to blog hopping is also the most fun aspect of this hobby. I’ll be with my friends and they’re like “you’re reading another blog post aren’t you?” I think it helps that I don’t have a very cluttered reader but I read my friends’ posts like it’s the news. #noshame though. I love it!

      And I’m relieved to hear I’m not the only one that seems to be missing out on these blogger meet ups. But I think for the reason that we live in such a secluded location, we can appreciate these online friendships all the much more (not that I’m saying those that live in Cali or areas overfilling with bloggers around them don’t value their online friendships). But I’m just going to just stop since I don’t know where I’m going with that and I’m not as eloquent as you. 😉

      And… “On top of all that there’s an understanding that we still have to balance our reality with blogging. So whenever a blogger takes a break there’s no backlash or pressure, just support and understanding.” Oh my gosh, I totally want to frame that. Or at least put it on a blogger advice wall of fame or somewhere equally important.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Lois says:

        You are far too kind. I was convinced I was rambling too much in my initial comment. Blog hopping is definitely the best and most time consuming aspect but it’s just so much fun.

        I feel like the next time there’s a blogger meet up we should stage our own virtual hangout equip with tea, biscuits, books and my cats to cuddle with haha.

        Liked by 1 person

  12. charleighsbooknook says:

    I love this post! I also get so excited whenever I have a notification. I love it when people take the time to read my posts and comment and it certainly gets conversation about books going on!

    I only have 1 friend in real life that likes books and she’s not as enthusiastic as me so it’s great to take to the Internet and fangirl with fellows book lovers over our favourite books.

    I do get overwhelmed to post sometimes and I also seem to reallt struggle to come up with ideas of things to post on my blog.

    It’s also really great to find out about all the different bookish events that go on, sucks that I live in the UK though because America seems to have the better events! cx

    Liked by 1 person

    • Summer @ Xingsings says:

      Thank you, Charleigh! (I love your name and how it’s spelled by the way.)

      I totally agree! The interaction within the community is certainly one of the most rewarding aspects to blogging. I have a few friends in real life that read but we don’t seem to have as many fangirl sessions as I do in the blogosphere.

      Ah yes, I know what you mean. There’s so many amazing, creative voices it’s hard to find motivation to be original. But when inspiration does happen it feels even more great! :3

      I’ve never even thought about that. But you’re right, we are spoiled with BEA, BookCon, and Yallfest/Yallwest! But hopefully you’ll be able to visit one in your country. I think Becky at Blogs-Of-A-Bookaholic resides in somewhere in the UK, and she’s gone to book conventions and tests. You should definitely ask her to learn more about them; maybe you could attend!


  13. Jeann @ Happy Indulgence says:

    Yup, I definitely feel the pressure to blog (which has definitely helped having co-bloggers now) but when I look at what I’ve achieved and the friends I’ve met and all the opportunities that blogging has opened up for me, I can’t go back. Although blogging is totally hard work, there’s definitely lots of rewarding things about it! You definitely get what you put in.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Summer @ Xingsings says:

      I didn’t even factor in co-bloggers, but I love the bond that you have with Aila and Jenna. And I’m glad that having them with you has helped alleviate the pressure. Absolutely! I remember that tweet you tweeted a few months ago about how bloggers should be proud of their blogs if they think they’re worthy of sharing it with their in real life friends.


  14. Miguel @ The Quirky Reader says:

    So many good points in here! I especially found myself nodding at your Notifications points (yes, I care about my stats too aha!).

    I sort of addressed this “issue” about blogging clashing with real life in an update post, and no I don’t feel the pressure to blog…anymore. There was time wherein I couldn’t let the day pass without me drafting something but it made me realise that I’m a dedicated blogger and I should blog as I please! I want to give my readers quality words and not some spew-at-the-mouth (tho I have these tendencies hehe). And looking back on the last two years of blogging, I’m proud I’ve made it this far. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Summer @ Xingsings says:

      Thank you, Miguel! It means a lot coming for an experience blogger as yourself.

      For most of us, the numbers may not be the most important aspect about blogging but it’s certainly one we’ll always notice. And I’m happy to hear this was somewhat relatable for you. You’re absolutely right, bloggers should be able to blog at their own pace and when they’re comfortable or inspired. Like you mentioned, it’s best to strive for quality and honest content! ^.^


  15. Thomas says:

    Summer, I love how thoughtful you are about the blogging process! It can be so easy to get wrapped up in just posting and promoting and commenting that you forget to examine why and how you’re doing what you’re doing. But you always connect everything together and look within yourself to determine how you feel about your blogging journey, and that commitment to deeper thought is something I admire a lot. As for me, I think blogging has always been about community, uplifting minority voices, providing some form of catharsis, etc. In my opinion, unless someone is blogging professionally to earn a salary, it’s best to keep it at a healthful level where they feel that they are gaining from the experience as opposed to sacrificing their well-being because of it.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Summer @ Xingsings says:

      Thank you, Thomas!

      Exactly! I think it’s easy to get swept up in the blogging frenzy-espeically for new bloggers. I was certainly that way at least. It feels great to finally reach a point where blogging has become more of a hobby incorporated into my real life. And I can definitely see why you chose the community, Thomas, seeing as you’re very friendly and interactive within the internet (via your blog, Goodreads, etc). ^.^


  16. Thuong Le says:

    Great discussion post Summer! I’ve read Liam’s post and I really liked the positive points you’ve included 🙂 I don’t have a lot of friends in real life who loves to read (only one and she loves Game of Thrones too!) and I think many can relate. Reading takes a lot of time and effort, so I see why people don’t always have the time and patience for it. But the best thing about the internet is that you can connect with other readers and make more online friends who likes to read as much as you do! 🙂 I’m not always active on the blogosphere as much as I’d like because of work and life, but I try to make the time for it when I have a bit of spare time. I really enjoy bookstagram since joining, so I am on there quite a lot! I think its like a consolation if I don’t have the time to actually blog XD

    Liked by 1 person

    • Summer @ Xingsings says:

      Thank you, Thuong! ^.^

      Right! I’m really thankful for the book blogging community because I get to connect with readers I wouldn’t have found otherwise. I don’t have many reading friends in real life either. My bff used to read a lot growing up but once I got into reading her interest for the hobby waned, haha. And I think it’s great that you’re not active on the internet all time-it’s healthier that way at least. Lately, I’ve been pretty bad about replying comments but, like you, I only really get on my blog in my spare time now (and most of that time I use to compose drafts or blog hop). And I’m so glad you officially joined bookstagram since you have an artist’s eye. The community there is different from the book blogging one but still so kind! 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  17. Jorelene @ Page Chronicles says:

    Aww, this is such a wonderful post, Summer! ❤

    I absolutely agree with every bullet point you listed. There are so many rewarding aspects of book blogging, and you pointed out a lot of them. I’ve been thinking for a good thirty minutes, but I can’t think of more points to add onto yours. I’ll be sure to let you know if I do though! 🙂

    I’ve most definitely felt the pressure to blog! The pressure has been consistently present for the past few months during my last semester of college, but I really felt it this past week. Since I graduated last weekend, I’ve been out and about a lot with family and friends, exploring places and just spending time with them since I finally had time to. However, that also meant that I was away from my computer and books. Even when I had some time before sleep or when I first woke up to read a bit, I just… Didn’t. I guess I ventured into a mini reading slump? I therefore had this nagging anxiety in me about needing to write and publish a new post and sticking to my blogging schedule, but then I kept bringing myself a step back and reminding myself that my subscribers understand my brief hiatus, and that I shouldn’t be so hard on myself. However, I’m still a bit ashamed that I took a 10 day break without announcing it. I know that’s not a lot compared to a lot of other book bloggers, but this has been the longest I’ve ever went without having a new post. I think it gave me a wake-up call to start utilizing the “Schedule” feature on posts, so there was that benefit at least. I can be a total control freak, so having my blog out of its schedule has definitely put stress on me recently. But yeah, I suppose that’s my greatest blogging insecurity.

    I do have other blogging insecurities though, such as being afraid that other bloggers don’t like me, or that my opinions aren’t formulated well. But yeah, those are for discussion another day, haha.

    Once again, fantastic post, Summer! 😀 ❤

    Liked by 2 people

    • Summer @ Xingsings says:

      Thanks so much, Jorelene! And thank you for the long comment. These are my absolute favorite. ^.^

      Oh yes, I can totally imagine things were stressful for you when school was still ongoing. Blogger burnout seems to be really common then for students, including myself. :3 And oh my gosh, I’m the same way! When I’m usually away from home more (be it going somewhere local or far) I rarely read or blog. But yes! That is exactly the healthy mentality you should have. I’m glad that you were able to recognize that we’re all here for you when you come back from blogging breaks (whether it have been a long hiatus as well). I actually had the same insecurities as you, and for that reason I never took a break more than five or six days (because, I, too, had this nagging voice saying, “What about Xingsings, Summer??”) Anyway, I took a real one (that lasted for 20-ish days) last month for the first time, and it felt so great surprisingly. That time away allowed me to realize how much time I devoted to my blog. My days were so long then, which is sort of silly to admit, haha.

      And yes, I love the scheduling feature so, so much! I’m pretty sheepish to admit that I schedule all my posts now just because it’s easier. But I also feel sort of bad since sometimes I’ll be in the blogosphere (as in being online) but still have my post schedule itself instead of pressing “publish.” I’m just that lazy it seems. >.<

      And I don’t think you have to worry about people not liking you, Jorelene! You’re so sweet, and I’m happy that Page Chronicles is doing so well. 😀 ❤


  18. amortalreader1 says:

    Sometimes I do feel a pressure to blog, but that’s my anxiety in me telling me what I should and shouldn’t be doing. I’m trying to get rid of that annoying voice in my head that makes me compare everything I do to other bloggers because blogging is meant to be fun 😀

    For me I too love seeing the Orange bubble, discussing books, I LOVE when you review or recommend a book to someone and then they let you know that they loved it. I joined wordpress because I wanted to interact with this community but also I want to get more people into the joy of reading, I live in a small town where the common view still is ‘reading is nerdy’, basically all those stereotypical views. I want to spread the message of how fun reading is and hopefully make other people find the next book they love.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Summer @ Xingsings says:

      I have certainly felt the same way several times since I began blogging. I usually post every three or four days but when I went a little longer (like say five or six) I would have that voice in the back of my head reminding me to create and publish a post. It’s hard to ignore it. But when I did (last month I took a real hiatus of 20 days) it felt fantastic to get some breathing room.

      There are a lot of readers where I live even though it’s a small city (I think that’s why Yallfest takes place in SC), but unfortunately there are some stigmas with adults reading YA. Some people think YA literature is not beneficial and too childish, which is terrible seeing that mature folks can still learn from reading books targeted to younger age groups… Sigh. It’s difficult to break these barriers with the general public though.


      • amortalreader1 says:

        Yes I have experienced those comments about YA, it’s amazing the moral lessons that comes with some YA books that adults will be missing out on. Noughts and Crosses by Malorie Blackman is an example that I think Adults should give a try, the racism subject matter is really hard hitting. It’s definitely difficult to break the barriers within the public though, I hope as time progresses more and more people begin to see reading as fun and I also hope they read whatever genre they like regardless of the age group. 😀

        Liked by 1 person

  19. E. E. Rawls says:

    The biggest reward from blogging for me is connecting with readers and being able to share my words. Seeing likes and comments is both exciting and satisfying for me, because it shows people cared enough to read what I wrote. I don’t know, I feel like it’s a special thing. 🙂
    With that said, I do feel pressured to post frequently and not disappoint followers. But I’m finding that if people really care about what you write, then they’ll keep following you even if you don’t post frequently. I’m going to have to cut back to 2-3 posts a week, for time’s sake.
    Thanks for sharing your experiences, Xing!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Summer @ Xingsings says:

      I don’t think seeing that orange notification bubble on the corner of my screen will ever get old or less exciting. And I absolutely agree, the community is the main reason behind why I’m still around the blogosphere and blogging.

      “I’m finding that if people really care about what you write, then they’ll keep following you even if you don’t post frequently.” /claps/ Agreed, I couldn’t have said it any better!

      Thanks, Elizabeth!

      Liked by 1 person

  20. Fatima @ NoteablePad says:

    This is such a great post, Summer! I’m so glad you shared this. Everything you’ve said speaks volumes to me: it’s all so relatable. I’ve only been blogging for a short time now (around 3 months), but I didn’t really take it seriously until the 2nd month – and then, just like you, I made sure to hunt down other bloggers, and I was truly overwhelmed by everything I had missed. I was so excited to join the community and have bookish discussions. I wasn’t actually aware before that book blogging was a thing, so I just blogged when I wasn’t writing, but as time went by, I realised I was really committed to it and investing a lot of time into it.

    I definitely have blogging anxieties, and sometimes wonder if my posts are even worth sharing – but like you said, the moment when I see that orange bubble, and read a comment/see a tag/award, all those anxieties sort of go away and I’m reminded of how rewarding it is to actually be a part of such a supportive community. I only wish I had started sooner.

    I’m on a break at the moment, but even now I’m still quite tempted to post again 🙂 I think that’s testament to how happy I am blogging. Juggling real life and blogging is honestly tough, but I guess we all have to prioritise life and no one will hold that against us. I

    ‘ve had loads of blogs in the past too, and I tend to get really invested in them, and then stop. Something about book blogging makes me feel like that won’t happen now. I’m still trying to maintain a strong presence on Twitter and Instagram, but I do forget haha.

    (As a side note, I have to tell you how much I LOVE your header – Howl’s Moving Castle is my favourite Ghibli movie 😀 )

    Liked by 1 person

    • Summer @ Xingsings says:

      That means so much to me. Thank you, Fatima! The second month was actually when I got serious as well (funnily enough). I enjoy all that I do with my blog, but the community is certainly the sole reason why I’ve continued to blog.

      I’m sure blogging insecurities plague a lot of (new or experienced) bloggers minds. We are our harshest critics after all.

      And I’m happy to hear that you’ve decided to take a step back. Taking breathers from this fun (but also time consuming) hobby is a must to avoid blogger burn out. Also, at the end of the day this is just a pastime. Our lives outside of the internet are super important and our aspirations should hold priority (whether it be school, work, etc).

      Same, I’m really struggling with Twitter! I don’t know why but I feel self conscious when I tweet something. One of my 2017 resolutions is to get better at using that platform to its full potential though.

      Ah, why thank you! Howl’s Moving Castle just so happens to be my favorite as well. But I love mosts animations quite a lot as you already know. 😉


  21. storiesandspoons says:

    I’m really new to the blogging community so most of my insecurities around it are from all the stuff i’m still trying to learn and work out. It’s pretty amazing though and i’m already enjoying having my own space to just write. i was wondering how you meet other bloggers and discover new blogs? And how do you use tags? I’m also very confused about which theme to use because in the WordPress examples of the themes they seem not very nice but then everyone has such lovely blogs. is there any theme that you recommend?
    Sorry for all the questions, it just seems like you have everything figured out and your blog is really lovely. This post was also super relatable and i’m looking forward to relating to it even more.
    Thank you so much

    Liked by 1 person

    • Summer @ Xingsings says:

      Hi Maddie! By the time you see this reply, I’m sure you’ve gotten the hang of blogging by now. But in case you haven’t I’ll still answer your questions.

      1) You can discover other bloggers by easily visiting one blog and seeing who has commented on their posts. I also used to use WordPress’ reader and searched for relevant tags I was interested in such as “books,” “book blogger,” “book review.” You get the gist.

      2) Tags aren’t that difficult once you know how to use them. WordPress support probably explains it a lot better than if I tried tol, so check out this link if you still need help on that.

      3) As for themes, that’s hard to say. I don’t have favorites since I’ve pretty much sticked with the the one I’ve had now since when I first started to blog in January 2015. However, if you ever come across ones on other bloggers’ sites, scroll all the way down and you can see what the theme is called. Also, I recommend choosing ones that aren’t like a Tumblr-esque, photothemed blog if you plan to be a book blog. Because if you plan to write reviews, discussions, and meme posts the text is more important than the actual images (even though the latter is visually nice too).

      4) I know you didn’t explicitly ask this but I know it may be a subject of your curiosity. To gain more traffic on your blog, the best way to achieve this is to leave thoughtful comments on others (I see that you’ve already started to do this by looking at this comment though). Also, what I do is when someone comments on my blog I never forget to visit or “blog hop” back to their blog and leave comments as well. It’s not a service or favor, but I guess courtesy? I can’t explain it exactly, haha. And of course, it’s an brainer that if you start an Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook page for your blog that’ll increase views some, too.

      Anyway, wishing you all the best. And welcome to this amazing, supportive community. 🙂


Blogging takes hours, commenting takes minutes. Please don't hesitate to share your thoughts. ^.^