Bookcase/Bookshelves Post?

Hi! So lately I’ve been inspired to share my bookcase/bookshelves thanks to other book bloggers that have been encouraging me to do so (and because of Shelby’s post). Another incentive for me to post this is because of Addlepates and Book Nerds‘s weekly meme that allows book bloggers to “explore their bookshelves” and share their findings with the blogosphere. Honestly with school and the PCAT creeping up in July, I probably will make this a monthly feature instead. So I’ll do all of the 4 challenges in that month in 1 post at the end of each month. But since this is only the third week of March, I’m just going to share my bookcase in this post.

So with no further ado, this is my main bookcase that holds most of my novels (and the two sides holds movies)! They’re kind of sorted into series and genres.

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