Exploring My Bookshelves: June

Hello! So another month of the summer has passed and I’m back with another Exploring My Bookshelves, a weekly book meme created by Addlepates and Book Nerds but adapted as a monthly one on here at Xingsings, post. You guys may notice that I’ve changed the formatting for this just to make it more fun and less text heavy (it ended up being as long as the previous ones. I will continue to strive to become more pithier, I promise). As always, all my answers to the meme are in bold and all the titles mentioned are linked to Goodreads. Anyway, I hope you like it!

Here is an updated picture of my shelves. (Yup, those are library books on the bottom right. I don’t know why I even bother to put titles on hold and check them out when my TBR list is already long as it is.)



15. June 5, 2015: A Book You were Gifted

Almost everyone knows I love to read but I never get actual books as gifts. You guys may know by now that I have a terrible obsession of collecting series and buying books. (And I guess, I’m sort of borderline book hoarder. Nah, I’m gonna stay in denial for that one.) And I think most of my friends and family know this, so they usually opt for gift cards, which is completely fine and equally kind of them. (So I can’t really complain.) But the titles that I did explicitly receive as gifts are Snow Walker (I received this in elementary school and have still yet to read it), The Glass Castle (my review if you’re interested), and Snow Flower and the Secret Fan.


16. June 12, 2015: A Book You Regret Buying

One of the best things about bargain buys is that the books are ridiculously cheap so even if you don’t enjoy them, you won’t regret buying them. Wrong. Instead, these books become a great waste of shelf space. Though I know I have plenty for now, I’m sure my bookcase will clutter up in the next couple of years. I’ve tried reading Elixir, The Alchemy of Forever, and Another Pan (one of the lowest rated books on Goodreads I own) but just hated them. I can’t believe I bought their counterparts; good thing 2 of the 3 are just duologies (I hope).

17. June 19, 2015: An Author You Can’t Stop Reading

I mean I have a poster of TMI, shouldn’t that explain enough? But yeah, I really love Cassandra Clare. She’s probably my all time favorite ya author and I don’t care what you guys say about the shadowhunter world being long overdue to be put down, I am going to continue buying her books and read them all (TMI, TID, TDA, TLH), haha.

As you see there are only 3 topics this month though there are 4 Fridays in June. Victoria is currently in America and she’s taking a break from blogging, so it may be a while before I do another one of these Exploring My Bookshelves posts. It’s important to enjoy real life outside of blogging so I’m happy that Victoria is taking this time off. (Enjoy your blogging hiatus and have fun during your stay in America, Victoria!) Thank you for taking a look, and happy Friday, everyone! 😀

39 thoughts on “Exploring My Bookshelves: June

  1. Becky (Blogs of a Bookaholic) says:

    Your shelves are so tidy and well organised! And I love how the white shelves really make the covers pop.

    Unfortunately like you I did not get on with Elixir either. I did try Devoted but failed on that front too. Even though there is only one book left in the series I’ve decided I’m not going to pick it up, even though I’ve always loved Hilary Duff!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Summer @ Xingsings says:

      Thanks, Becky! Hilary Duff was my idol growing up. I really enjoyed all her movies. I should have known about Elixir… I tend to get disappointed when celebrities write books. But since I have the trilogy, I’ll pioneer through. 🙂


    • Summer @ Xingsings says:

      When I feel stressed I like to reorganize my bookshelf. I guess it’s the same feeling as people that do feng shui to set a mood. I do want to try to create rainbow shelf one day (though separating the series may bother me too much).

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Analee @ Book Snacks says:

    Again, I love your shelves! (I know I’ve said it before, but I really do!) 😉
    And Cassandra Clare is definitely one of my favorite authors as well, and I don’t see myself getting tired of the Shadowhunter world anytime soon. ❤ Can’t wait for TDA series & TLH series to be released! XD

    Liked by 1 person

  3. kandylandmom says:

    Loving Cassandra Clare myself. On book 5 of TMI right now and can’t wait to start TID next or TBC. Another one I just couldn’t put down recently was Kristen Painter’s The House of Commare series. It seems kind of a cross between Twilight and the Shadowhunters’ world but with some more adult themes (nothing explicit but definitely not YA).

    Liked by 1 person

  4. aimalfarooq says:

    Such a cool meme. I’m going to have to check it out. I love your answers too. I didn’t think I’d get into Cassie Clare’s books, but once I started, I couldn’t put them down. Her writing is so addictive. 🙂 Happy blogging!

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Thomas says:

    Such pretty shelves, Summer! Your photography skills = slaying. Also for a second I thought you were going to write that the Mortal Instrument series were the books you regretted buying and my heart almost stopped out of fear. I am so glad that you love them as much as I do – Shadowhunters forever. 🙂

    I need to read the Castle soon as everyone recommends it to me. Great post as always!

    Liked by 1 person

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