Book Haul: August + September + October 2016


Hi! It’s been a minute since I’ve last shared a book haul, and I can proudly admit that’s because I haven’t been buying that many books (well at least not all at once like how I used to splurge). AND I didn’t get a single magnetic bookmark these past three months. pat on the back

In this post, you’ll notice that I’ve been striving to purchase more adult books since I noticed that the majority of my bookcase houses YA literature, which isn’t a bad thing at all. However, I do want to branch out and give non-YA books a chance, too. Also, I’ve been keen on filling in the gaps in my manga series. Though, unfortunately, the dreaded “related suggestions” with online shopping has had me started buying new series as well, which kind of defeats the purpose of buying the volumes to complete the old ones I’ve been collecting. Lol, the struggle is real. Anyway, so there will be a number of (new and old) manga titles featured in this post!

But even with that being said, knowing me I still bought some YA books because they were probably on sale and too good of deals to pass up on. (Except Crooked Kingdoms-I had to snag a copy regardless if it was a bargain or not for obvious reasons.) Many of the YA titles were unsolicited physical ARCs from various publishers though, and I did request the last several eARCs myself. (Thank you to all the publishers for these review copies!)

And that’s pretty much it. I’m going to cut the typing here and keep it short this time. Like always, all links go to Goodreads (and Myanimelist if it’s a manga). Hope you all enjoy the photos! 🙂

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