The Reading Habits Tag

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Hello! I’m back with another tag (oh man, I have so many in the drafting stage that need to be published). Back in April, I was tagged by the sweet Analee to do The Reading Habits Tag. She’s a daily book blogger and I’m always amazed by how fast she reads. Her blog is lovely, make sure to give Book Snacks a visit!

1. Do you have a certain place at home for reading?
I pretty much lounge around anywhere to read a book, but I often read in my reading room (the room where my bookcase is) because there’s natural sunlight in there. Also the bed because that area’s always comfy.

2. Bookmark or random piece of paper?
My dad often sends me gas cards (especially ones from Wal Mart because the gas there is cheaper, at least where I live) and they make perfect bookmarks. They’re cute and thick enough for you to find your place quickly the next time you pick the book up.

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I scanned a couple of my favorites to share with you guys, haha. Cute animals always sell, huh? I mean PANDAS ARE SO CUTE!

3. Can you just stop reading or do you have to stop after a chapter/a certain amount of pages?
I have to stop at the end of the chapter. If I’m reading before class, I’m usually unable to stop at the end of chapter by the time the instructor calls for the class’s attention, so in those moments I try to find a good stopping point like those weird scene changes within a chapter. I don’t know what they’re called… You guys know what I’m talking about (tell me the literary term if you know, lol).

4. Do you eat or drink while reading?
No. If I’m too absorbed in a book I forget I have food altogether. (Food is so good. How can I, right? But it happens!)

5. Multitasking: Music or TV while reading?
You can say that I “multitask.” I started to enjoy reading in late elementary school and I often read when waiting for my dad to pick me up. So I used to read everywhere. Outside on the sidewalk, in the noisy cafeteria, at the salon (my dad’s business), etc. Music and T.V. hasn’t ever been a problem.

6. One book at a time or several at once?
A few years ago if you asked me to juggle several at once, I’d tell you you were crazy. But now I definitely see the appeal. My day consists of a lot less reading than most book bloggers. When I was younger, I had more free time and read faster, I think. I find that for readers that don’t designate a lot of time to reading, like me, it’s good to read several at once. That way when they have time to pick up a book, they’re in the mood for it. My current reads are all from different genres, so there’s no problem with mixing up the plot or characters.

7. Reading at home or everywhere?
Everywhere, for sure!

8. Reading out loud or silently in your head?
Do people read out loud normally?? For me, it’d be weird if I read out loud in the public. XD And I’m not sure I want strangers to know I’m reading some steamy romance or something, it would be pretty awkward.

9. Do you read ahead or even skip pages?
…I’m guilty of reading ahead, haha. But I don’t skip pages or skim passages. I read every single word. Except for books that I rate a 2, those have skim worthy parts usually.

10. Breaking the spine or keeping it like new?
BREAK THE SPINE?! :O NO. I used to do it all the time though, like with my copies of HP and Percy Jackson. They were well loved but they’re pretty painful to look at. Now, I try really hard to keep my books in nice condition. That could be why I gravitate towards hardbacks these days (and they just shelf so pretty).

11. Do you write in your books?
I had to do in-text annotations a couple of times in high school, so I do own books that have some writing in them. For pleasure reading or books for review? Nah. I hardly have time to read for fun let alone time to mark my reads and make notes for reviews. I’m just not much of a quotes-puller,  sticky note sticker, note-writing reader if that makes sense.

I tag these cool bloggers – 

Happy 4th of July to the other U.S. bloggers!

32 thoughts on “The Reading Habits Tag

  1. Analee @ Book Snacks says:

    Yay! I’m so glad you did this tag.
    Omg those gas cards are so cute!!! I never noticed Walmart had those… I don’t think the Walmart where I live has them. 😦 Give me one? XD
    I don’t think people reads out loud these days much…it would definitely be awkward if the situation you describe ever happens! LOL, I can just imagine the reactions of people around me if I started reading a passage from a steamy romance novel out of nowhere…
    Ha ha I know right, hardcovers are very pretty and their spines don’t break easily! I like paperbacks, but it’s a pitiful sight when the spine breaks, which is often, with books I really like!

    Anyway, great answers! Have a great weekend! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • Summer @ Xingsings says:

      LOL. We should totally do a book exchange one day, then I can send you a couple of my “bookmarks.” 😉 Ahh, I thought so! I haven’t seen anyone read out loud by themselves before. The only time was in school. I don’t know about other people but for me reading aloud slows me down… Also I have bad memories reading aloud. We used to have popcorn reading and I hated reading in front of other people. My voice is pretty monotonous. Also, the anxiety of being called/picked on was pretty bad for me. Now that I think about it, I was a funny kid. Reading aloud shouldn’t make anyone self conscious. XD
      Anyway, thank you again for tagging me, it was fun! I hope you have a wonderful weekend as well! 😀


  2. Casey says:

    Thanks so much for the tag!! I actually did this tag already, (it was one of my first posts!) but it always feels great to be tagged. I loved your answers!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Trisha Ann says:

    Thanks for tagging me!! You’re right! Hard bounds look beautiful on shelves so I’m trying to invest on them little by little. But I find it hard to bring them anywhere I want bc they’re heavy haha. And btw, those pandas are so cute!! I might get distracted reading 😛

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Erika says:

    Thanks Summer for the tag. 🙂

    I’m like you. I multitask when I read as well. Some people always find it odd that I can listen to music while reading.
    As for breaking the spines, I use to do that a lot when I was younger, hence just like you my Harry Potter books are in terrible condition….it doesn’t look good on my shelf. HAHA So I totally get your point on hardbacks looking better on the shelves.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Summer @ Xingsings says:

      You’re so welcome, Erika! I’m so glad I’m not the only one and that you can relate. And listening to music while reading really adds another dimension to the reading experience if a reader can manage it. Now when I shuffle some tracks in my library, I think of books I’ve read while listening to it in the past. 😛

      Liked by 1 person

    • Summer @ Xingsings says:

      That’s one of the best feelings… being so absorbed in a book you lose your surroundings. It really just shows how powerful HP is to have the ability to allure its readers. I think it’ll always be my favorites; it really helped build my imagination too.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. dreamingthroughliterature says:

    Wow, I need to pay more attention to tags! Stumbled across this one on your blog while looking for the Harry Potter one you tagged me in 😀 Thanks for the tag. I think I’m about to do this one now. Also, loved your answers!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Summer @ Xingsings says:

      Thank you, Ashley! As always, you’re so welcome. And that’s okay, thank you for always keeping up with my blog. I’m pretty bad at replying (as you obviously can tell with this comment) and keeping up with all these wonderful blogs in the blogosphere. So, no worries. ^.^

      Liked by 1 person

      • dreamingthroughliterature says:

        Yea, it’s hard to keep up with everything, especially when life gets so busy. And I totally get taking awhile to respond. I’m the same way. It’s hard to keep up with, but at least it’s something I enjoy doing 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

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