Juniors by Kaui Hart Hemmings

9780399173608_juniorsJuniors by Kaui Hart Hemmings
Published by G.P. Putnam’s Sons on September 22, 2015
Genres: [Young Adult] Contemporary
Pages: 313
Format: Paperback, ARC
Source: Publisher

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3 Stars, Completed September 23, 2015

– SPOILER free –

In Juniors, Lea Lane goes through a number of changes her junior year of high school. She transfers to Punahou School, the largest independent academy in the United States and considered one of the most prestigious, and moves into a nice house owned by the prominent West family in upscale Kahala. After the move, Lea finds herself missing her rundown apartment in Oahu and her best friend, Danny, who is also part-Hawaiin like herself and seems to understand her the most. But then she befriends Whitney West and develops a secretive relationship with the unattainable Will West. Lea is just beginning to find herself accustomed to the attention with being connected to the West family. However, some foreseen drama sprouts, and Lea has to ask herself what she really wants out of life, whether to live on the safe side of the shore or to take risks and just ride the waves.

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