Hate Comments + Taking a True Hiatus (Sort Of) + Dragon’s Loyalty Award

Dragon's Loyalty Award

Hi, everyone!

Lately I’ve sort of been feeling really uninspired to blog hence all the scheduled book reviews. Since the end of the semester is slowly creeping to an end anyway and I know that I’ll soon be swamped with end of the course assignments and final exams, I will go ahead and say I’m taking a break. But then again I’ve already been saying I’ve been on a “hiatus” for a while now according to my blog’s sidebar disclaimer, I guess. As other bloggers have pointed out, my breaks are never true ones anyway. But I think this time I’ll be even more absent then usual even for me. I’ll still continue to schedule the usual posts and remain present on my Instagram and Goodreads accounts, but I won’t be replying to comments on my blog until May-ish. And I’ll do the best of my ability to still check in with the blogosphere and leave mini Summer bombs here and there. But those will be sparse, too.

Along with my semester coming to an end soon and the fact that I think I’ve fallen into a true blogging slump, I also got my first hate comment back in February. I created several drafts titled as “Hate” but I never could bear to actually publish them. February was actually a pretty rotten month for me because I wasn’t doing as well as I thought I would in one of my classes (Organic Chem II is just ugh), my speech class gave me so much anxiety, and I had a bunch of family (that I didn’t really like) living with me and my dad. So when my first hate comment showed up on Xingsings it just felt like everything was so wrong.

(I knew it was going to happen sometime along my blogging journey… and it was only one comment… but it was still unpleasant to read all the same. I understand that people will have different views and opinions. But why do they have to word things so harshly? Also, the comment that I got wasn’t even an opinion about my post or the books I talked about in it, but it was about me as an individual. Anyway, enough ranting. Have any you guys received any negativity on your posts?)

Edit: I saw some of the comments you guys have already been leaving. And I just wanted to let you guys know I’m definitely okay!! I don’t want you guys to think I quit blogging for a bit because of that. I love blogging and I’m actually extremely proud of the place I’ve created with Xingsings. So you don’t have to worry or anything. The hate comment was back in February and it wasn’t a big of a deal when I got over it. Thank you all for staying so dependable and supportive. Thanks, as always. – Summer

But, of course, I soon got over all of that. I started doing better in Speech and studying harder in Organic; my family members (there were 4 of them) finally moved out; and I just deleted that hate comment from my blog so I wouldn’t have to see it. But after all this, I think it’s about time I recharged for real. So, in short, I’m taking a true hiatus for a bit (still posting, not replying to comments on my blog, still dropping Summer bombs on other blogs, etc).


Time to recharge! (All credits to the original owner.)

But anyways…

Today I’m sharing The Dragon’s Loyalty Award. (This one was actually completed in early January. I can’t believe I was that productive-in terms of blogging that is-my last week of winter break.) I have Kristi at Hidden Staircase, Matt at MatthewSean Reviews, and Megan at Fun Facts for Writing to thank for that. I’m not sure how this award is different from any other blogger award other than the title… but here’s a little piece about me and dragons:

Though dragons are such majestic, mythological creatures… I seldom enjoy their presence in books. Well apart from Harry Potter because they only really showed up briefly in that series. For some reason most books that feature them are usually too tediously dry for me. A handful of my friends, like many other kids at the time, loved The Inheritance Cycle series, but I really couldn’t get into Eragon. It was very slow paced, in my opinion. Although I did end up watching the movie years later, haha.

I’m actually starting to think that high fantasy-a genre that dragons seem to appear in often-does not appeal to me as it did when I was a kid. I used to really love it before though. But, of course, this hasn’t stop me from buying them if they’re ever on sale. I have Seraphina and Talon. I have my fingers crossed that Seraphina will be just as epic for me as other readers have expressed in their reviews. As for Talon, I have this heavy feeling I’m not going to enjoy that one despite liking Kagawa’s other work. I bought it and the second installment, Rogue, purely because the covers were pretty (and they were signed). Shame on me, I know.

Anyhow, that was just some random bookish background information about my experience with reading about dragons in literature. Basically, we don’t seem to mix well. However, I’m gladly going to accept this nomination. Thank you to the folks that thought about my blog and nominated me! I really appreciate it.

Note: This is a 2015 award, meaning I was first nominated in 2015. I’m just trying to go through all the awards and tags from my 2015 queue. But I am an tag/award free blog in that I won’t be doing any more tags/awards after I go through the 2015 drafts.

The Rules –

  1. Visit and thank the blogger who nominated you.
  2. Acknowledge that blogger on your blog and a link back.
  3. You must share seven things other bloggers may not know about you.
  4. Nominate up to fifteen bloggers for Dragon’s Loyalty Award, provide a link to their blogs in your post, and notify them on their blogs.
  5. Copy and paste the award somewhere on your blog.

7 Facts About Me –

Again, similar to my Beautiful Blogger Award post, instead of giving random facts, I’ll be shooting out random favorites and in different degrees since I really am running out of things to share about myself on the top of my head.

asdfghjkl; I love this so much > general favorite > I really like a lot

  1. Favorite season: autumn > winter > summer (spring has too much pollen where I live for me to like it.)
  2. Favorite YA author: Cassandra Clare > Sarah Dessen > Richelle Mead (I’ve read almost every single book these women have written. And all their work are always must buys for me.)
  3. Favorite classic: East of Eden > Pride and Prejudice > Jane Eyre
  4. Favorite book to movie adaptation: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban > Catching Fire > Pride and Prejudice (I also love the BBC series!)
  5. Favorite music artist (non K-Pop): We the Kings > All Time Low > Paramore
  6. Favorite artist (Asian): Exo > Lunafly > Beast
  7. Favorite composer: Chopin > Joe Hisaishi > Liszt

I Nominate –

I think some of these bloggers don’t do awards/tags… but I wanted to recognize them anyway! A couple in here are bloggers I haven’t talked to in a while. And, of course, if you’re nominated please don’t feel pressured in accepting this award or doing this post unless you want to!

Thank you all for reading, as always! I’m sure some of my bookish favorites sounded familiar, but maybe you learned something new about me in terms of my music preferences. 😉 Anyway, until new time!

68 thoughts on “Hate Comments + Taking a True Hiatus (Sort Of) + Dragon’s Loyalty Award

  1. Samantha Reed says:

    Oh no! I’m so sorry about the hate and stuff 💔 I wish I could help. If you ever need anything, I’m here Summer.

    On the brighter side of things, I WUV YOU AND YOUR BLOG YOU GORGEOUS CREATURE AND I SHALL MISS YOUR REVIEWS AND SHANSSY POSTS. 💞 You deserve every award in existence, love.

    I hope to see more of you soon ☺️ take this hiatus to treat yourself

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Marie @ drizzleandhurricanebooks says:

    I hope this little hiatus will make you feel better, some time off can only bring new perspectives, and maybe you’ll feel more motivated to blog after a little while away! I have to say, I’ll miss you A LOT on here, but well, there’s always Instagram and other social medias we can catch up on ❤
    I’m sorry to hear you were feeling anxious and stressed about classes and some of your family. I’m glad it’s going better now, and I hope your final exams will go well, I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you until May -well, if I can hold on til then, but you can be sure you’ll be in my thoughts! 🙂
    I really like the music artists you picked out, I especially love All Time Low, used to listen to their songs ALL the time, a little less now, but you make me want to re-discover their songs! 🙂

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  3. Marie @ drizzleandhurricanebooks says:

    And I’m so sorry to hear you got hate comments. that’s bound to happen, I guess, in our book blogging journey, there are always people to hate and just, well, do that kind of things. I understand it’s upsetting,a dn everything, but there are a ton of other people who appreciate you and your blog, and just who you are. Always remember that 🙂 ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • Summer @ Xingsings says:

      Thank you so much for your words of encouragement, Marie! ❤ I’ve had comments where people have disagreed with me on my opinion before (I actually tend to like those actually since it gives me insight on different perspectives), but I guess this was the first time someone made a comment about me. It was disheartening at the time since (even though I share a lot about myself with everyone) I don’t think my internet persona represents me fully. But anyways, I’ve gotten over the comment for a while now. Again, thank you for your love and support. ❤

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  4. baniwillsing says:

    Don’t let the haterd get you down! You’ve done a phenomenal job witb this blog and all of us are extremely proud of you. I can totally understand the study pressure part. Recharge for sure. Happy times to you, always. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  5. beckmank says:

    Aw sorry about your hate comment. That really stinks. Especially when it comes to book blogging. I mean, not everyone likes the same books. If we all did how boring would life be? Good luck as you finish out your semester!

    Love how you approached the award! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Summer @ Xingsings says:

      Thank you so much, Kristi! 🙂 That’s very true! I’ve had comments where people have different opinions from me (I tend to like them actually because I can see a different perspective than my own) but this one was about me as an individual, unfortunately. But it’s all okay now. ^.^

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Kat says:

    It’s never nice to receive hate comments, but you’re the bigger person by the end of it. I hope the break does you good, and you come back refreshed and ready!

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  7. fiddlerblue says:

    I love autumn too! I mean winter is a really gorgeous time but it’s just. so. cold. and I’m not much fan of summer too (the weather not you, of course, you are awesome) because it’s too hot. HAHA I just want it a bit cool but not cold enough that I have to wear three layers.
    oh and did I mention I also love BEAST? they’re so cool! Koreans are so fun to watch, especially when they do crazy dance routines that just seem so in sync.
    Organic Chem, oh dear. I hope you do well in your exams. You can do it, I’m sure! You’re just gonna sail through this thing and nail it 😀
    With regards to the hate comment, I’ve never received one yet but I’d probably be just as disheartened and confused as you were. I don’t know what I’d do, really. But I know you are one of the friendliest bloggers I’ve ever met, so don’t let it bring you down anymore. 🙂 You always give thoughtful comments and I always have fun talking to you, so GO YOU!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Summer @ Xingsings says:

      Oh my gosh, haha! I know exactly what you mean. It’s scorching hot in the summer for me since I live in the south. And layering up is so much fun! I love the style of autumn-y clothes. ^.^

      And I think we may have talked about Beast in pasting before. But yessss! They’re hilarious on variety shows too; I used to be obsessed with them.

      Aww, thank you so much! My exams did go well. ^.^

      Oh my gosh, I cry because you are too kind! When I first saw it I was a little disheartened but thanks to everyone’s kind encouragement to move on, I have gotten over it! Anyway, thanks so much, Joan! ❤


  8. Lois says:

    Everyone needs a break from blogging every now and then, especially when you have school assignments and such to focus on. Plus a break sounds like just the thing you need to help you shake off that slump so you can come back feeling all refreshed.

    I am so sorry to hear about the hate comment. No one deserves to face them. Discussions and differences of opinions are expected but I always think it’s important to be respectful and not resort to taking petty shots at people.

    When it comes to Dragons, I must say I agree with you. it’s not that I don’t like dragons, I love the mythology surrounding them. Heck, a dragon features on the Welsh flag so of course I like them. But when it comes to books I just can’t seem to care enough about them.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Summer @ Xingsings says:

      Thanks, Lois! The break from the blogosphere was much needed, and I’m glad to be back.

      Precisely! I’ve definitely received comments where people have expressed differences in opinions than my own. I actually tend to like them because I can see a different perspective.

      And oh my gosh, I never even noticed the dragon on the Welsh flag. They’re such gorgeous, majestic creatures. Glad to know I’m not the only black sheep, though! XD

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  9. Becky (Blogs of a Bookaholic) says:

    Awh man, hate comments do suck. In four years of blogging, I’ve only had two or three because generally the blogging community is very friendly. They do get to you down, though, even if you know what they say is absolute rubbish. Normally the ones I’ve got have been on reviews telling me that my opinion on a book is wrong, which just makes me laugh because, by definition, an opinion cannot be wrong, because its a point of view, not a fact. LOL. Weirdly, I haven’t deleted any of the hate comments I’ve gotten, I’m not sure why. I guess because they’re usually rude I think they’re just showing themselves up, not me. The only exception would be if it was offensive!

    Sorry you had to go through the experience!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Summer @ Xingsings says:

      I absolutely agree, the blogging community is very friendly! Honestly, I think after I deleted the comment, I went ahead and checked if that person was a blogger herself but it linked back to a very spammy website so I wasn’t too down after that. But you’re right, hate comments especially if they attack the blogger instead of the post’s content really is discouraging. It is pretty rotten. But I’m glad that in some ways receiving feedback (if you can call it that) like these makes us stronger individuals. ^.^


  10. Megan says:

    I feel your pain! I haven’t had much of a chance to work on my own blog lately, so I totally understand your taking a break. And don’t feel too discouraged! If nothing else, I really enjoy reading your blog and seeing the images you make for each post. Getting criticism is how we grow as artists, in my opinion. I wish you the best of luck!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Summer @ Xingsings says:

      Thank you so much for your kind words, Megan! I really appreciate it! And I absolutely agree, criticism does make us stronger. And I’m relieved to hear that I’m not the only one that gets blogger burnout sometimes. ^.^


  11. Becca @ Becca and Books says:

    Aw no! I’m so sorry about the hate comment. Some people are just so bleh. Honestly I just feel sorry for them because they are pathetic and no one likes them so basically I just hand them some pity and that’s pretty much how I try to deal with hate.
    I’m getting a bit slumpy too! Ugh it’s annoying. But I’ve been more or less still at it, so that makes me happy. But school and etc. has been such nuisance.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Summer @ Xingsings says:

      I absolutely agree, criticism and receiving comments like those (however awful they make us feel sometimes) do help us grow. We also leave from them being a better person at least. But I hope that you don’t ever receive hate comments, Becca. ^.^ And aww, hopefully by now you’ve gotten out of your slump. After the break away from the blogosphere, I feel refreshed and inspired enough to return. 🙂 And good luck with the remainder of school!

      Liked by 1 person

  12. SERIESous Book Reviews says:

    I got a “hate” comment once about a review I did and that was a little surprise. It was nothing personal though so I can only imagine how it would feel if it was personal. I am very sorry to hear that someone felt the need to do that to you.

    Best of luck with everything (especially Organic Chemistry–what a class that is eh?) ! I totally understand the need to step away and focus on other things. I’ve been there and taking a step back was exactly what I needed so I hope it will work for you 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Summer @ Xingsings says:

      Thank you for the kind comment, Lauren! I hate that that had to happen to you as well. However, I feel a little relieved to hear when veteran bloggers (like you) have experienced something similar, too. (I hope that didn’t come out the wrong way!) And thanks so much! I ended up doing okay in Organic; thank goodness that chem sequence is finally over. I won’t miss it, that’s for sure. :3

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  13. queennicaybooks says:

    Awww. 😦 I know it’s a very difficult decision for you Summer. Everyone, including me experienced that kind of comments. Don’t think any bad comments they put, just remind yourself that you can use it as your strength. Prove them that they are wrong! We will miss you Summer! 😦

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Trisha Ann says:

    Really?! That’s too mean. I would maybe appreciate a hate comment on my book review by thinking it’s sort of a constructive criticism at some point.But giving such harsh comment on your personality is unacceptable! If he/she only knows you through the internet, no personal interaction whatsoever, I think that person has no reason to judge you like that. sigh Anyway, I’m glad this isn’t taking you down, Summer! I hope to see you back on the blogosphere on May! I guess I’ll talk to you more on Instagram though 😀

    PS My planned hiatus has been postponed but I think I’ll have to do one again this April so yeah, hiatus buddies!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Summer @ Xingsings says:

      Sigh, I know when I initially saw the comment I was slightly bummed but, it’s alright, I know that we can’t please all. But thank you for sympathizing with me, Trisha; your words were uplifting and exactly what I needed to read then! ❤

      And yes, I’m officially back now but it looks like you’re on your true hiatus. That’s alright though. I hope you’re enjoying yourself (even though work is tough; four in the morning is too early omg)! Hope to talk to you soon! 🙂


  15. Nerdybirdy @ Daydreaming Books says:

    My first thought when I read this post: Whaaaat! Hate comment! To you! You are one of the most genuine and sweetest person I’ve ever meet in the blogging community and there’s no doubt you are a stronger person as well, those haters can try their level best but we are much more stronger than that to let that effect us! ❤ Cue Taylor Swift’s Shake it Off!

    All the very best for your exams and stuff Summer, I hope everything goes well. I can’t wait to have you totally back in this blogging community because it’s not the same without you! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Summer @ Xingsings says:

      dancing to Shake It Off Aww, thank you so much for sharing such encouraging words, Poulami! I guess I was a little dismayed when I first saw the comment but I got over it after everyone’s support and sympathetic comments to this post. Anyway, thank you! ❤

      And I missed you and the blogosphere lots! Not blogging just wasn’t the same. It’s silly to express it this way but blogging has become an important part of my life that I really enjoy. 🙂

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  16. Sohini says:

    Looks like things are already improving, but I hope they get even better soon, Summer!

    I haven’t received blatant mean comments on my blog, but that’s only because it’s a little one! I think I read something once about hate meaning you’ve truly “made it”. Not sure how true that is, but silver lining, eh? 🙂 In any case, you have a wonderful blog that you obviously put a lot of hard work into (plus you seem like an awesome person), whilst typing a brainless hate comment hardly takes work, so I’d put as little thought into it as the commenter did. 😉

    Good luck for everything that’s ahead, and I hope you have a nice and peaceful hiatus!

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  17. Kat Impossible says:

    As soon as blogging becomes more of a chore than a joy, a break is really something good. And I can’t believe you got a hate comment. It just won’t wrap around my mind! I don’t understand people like that anyway, how can you have so much negativity?
    Either way, I am hoping you will feel better and come back with a lot of motivation and just excitement to blog. Good luck with all the end of the school year stuff as well! (and all the love to Cassandra Clare! Well chosen!) ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • Summer @ Xingsings says:

      Aww, thank you so much for this supportive comment, Kat! ❤ I’ve finally returned to the blogosphere officially now, and I certainly feel refreshed and inspired to blog again. And right, I think because the book blogging community is so positive and friendly I was a little bummed when I saw that comment. But that’s alright, it’s in the past. 🙂

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  18. Jeann @ Happy Indulgence says:

    What the heck Summer, I’m so sorry to hear about that hate comment! As a long time blogger, I’ve gotten a few of those as well and it’s always pretty emotional at times. But I know that I’ve got the support of all my readers and fellow bloggers behind me so often I move on from that. I’m glad that you’re not going to quit blogging because of that though Summer – it’s really not worth it!

    I’m so glad that you’re doing better and everything Summer – if you need a break we totally understand!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Summer @ Xingsings says:

      Thank you for understanding, Jeann! You’re so right, a comment that probably only took a few minutes to write-if that-doesn’t compare to all the kindness and support I’ve gotten in the past. Thanks for putting it into that perspective for me! 🙂


  19. Jorelene @ Page Chronicles says:

    Oh wow, no, I can’t say I have received a negative comment on any of my posts. My blog is also only a few months old, so that’s probably why. That’s surprising to me though, because I’ve only seen positivity in the book blogging community! Then again, nothing can be perfect. Just keep your head up and know that your posts are amazing, you’re such a genuine and nice person (from what I know of you so far), and you’re incredibly hardworking! That’s a killer combination that everyone strives to be, and a lot of people could get jealous of that. Good luck with your last semester ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • Summer @ Xingsings says:

      Thank you so much for the kind and encouraging words, Jorelene! ❤ I absolutely agree, because the blogosphere is so vast I guess it was bound to happen since not everything is completely positive. But you’re right, generally the book blogging community is very friendly and positive and it’s good to remember that when unpleasant things show up. Thank you!

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  20. Liam's Library says:

    Oh no Summer! I’m gonna miss you here on the blogosphere. It’s so sad to hear about your hate comment. I’ve never had one but I can imagine it could be quite emotional. Hope you have a resting break and looking forward to seeing you back soon! Thanks for nominating me for such a great award. Jane Eyre is one of my favourite books ever, good choice. And I also really love Chopin. I play quite a bit of his stuff in ensemble and as solos, his music is so lyrical and beautiful. Best of luck for your last semester! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Summer @ Xingsings says:

      Thank you so much for your support, Liam!

      When I first saw the comment I was a bit emotional because I’m generally used to be spoiled by the super kind and friendly book blogging community. But I tried to not think about it too much. Receiving such kind comments from bloggers like you on this post definitely made feel better. And you’re very welcome; you deserve the award! And right, Chopin is one of the best! I’m glad you can agree. 🙂


  21. Thuong Le says:

    Sorry to hear you got a hate comment! Just forget about it and don’t take it to heart. I think its petty that someone behind a computer would waste their time writing mean comments, its uncalled for. I haven’t had a mean comment on wordpress but it was on Polyvore. I’m not a huge fan of the Fault in Our Stars and had a few mean comments. I was in shock at first but then I got over it.

    Cassandra Clare is like the queen of YA fantasy! I love her books, but shockingly I might give Lady Midnight a miss but I might succumb to the hype sooner or later lol.
    Aw going to miss your regular posts on wordpress! But glad your quite active on Instagram 🙂
    Good luck with school and your exams!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Summer @ Xingsings says:

      I took your advice and tried to ignore it. After reeding everyone’s supportive comments I think I’m finally completely okay about it now. But you’re right, getting those type of comments is still pretty rotten. At least the book blogging community is generally very positive and friendly so coming across them are rare. And lol, there’s been pretty great reviews surrounding Lady Midnight so far; you never know you may find yourself picking it up. 😉

      And aww, I’ve missed you in the blogosphere, Thuong! But I’m officially back now. 🙂 And thank you so much!

      Liked by 1 person

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