Book Haul: March – June 2017 (And Some of July)

Oh my goodness, it’s been ages since I’ve posted a book haul. Therefore today I’ll be showing the bookish loot I’ve gotten over the previous few months. Indeed, I did attempt the falling books concept again because (surprisingly) it was such a big hit the last time I tried it.

Another thing to note is the amount of books I bought in a span of months! Knowing how ridiculous I can get… Gosh, what a feat! In addition, I didn’t purchase a single bookmark during this period, which is also not the norm. (Well one bookmark set did come in a subscription box which I did order… but that doesn’t count in my opinion!)

And that’s pretty much all I have to say in the preface. So, without further ado, the photos. 😉


When I originally started this series a few months ago I had no idea that ACoWaR would be the last book in the series and that the next remaining installments were set to be spin-offs set in the same world but in the perspectives of the supporting characters. I am so relieved to learn of this news because I didn’t think the plot could drag on any more than one additional sequel. As you can imagine after liking ACoMaF so much, I preordered this title. But I haven’t started book three just yet mainly because I want to write my reviews for the first two books first before I begin that one.

I got this for two reasons: it received so many glowing reviews from reviewers I trust and I have a lot of South Asian friends. I wouldn’t mind buddy reading this with someone so if you want to be my partner let me know!

I read an eARC of this one but I had to place my preorder anyway. Because, I mean, it’s Sarah Dessen. I couldn’t break tradition and not buy it.

Bargain Deals

Bookish Subscription Boxes

April’s Book Boyfriend Box (Featured Book: Hunted)

Once in a blue moon I will participate in a giveaway, but, honestly, even then I rarely make an effort to submit entries because I know that it’s very unlikely for me to win. But I gave Book Boyfriend Box’s Fandom Love February Challenge on Instagram a chance and, miraculously, I was that one lucky winner at the end of the month! So this box was sent to me generously for free. The team at Book Boyfriend Box also included a cute pair of library socks from Out of Print as well.

June’s Book Boyfriend Box (Featured Book: I Believe in a Thing Called Love)

Funnily enough, I was able to predict what books were going to come in each BBB box from the hints. I am especially pumped to read I Believe in a Thing Called Love since it’s a highly anticipated release of mine. I mean everyone knows watching Asian dramas is one of my favorite pastimes. I’ll be buddy reading this one with my friend Savindi that used to blog at The Streetlight Reader.

Review Copies

Where the Light Falls (ARC)

This was an unsolicited review copy that I received in the mail. Unfortunately, I rarely delve into adult historical fiction unless it’s a time period that really interest me (like World War II, sixteenth century England, and any type of time period set in Asia). But feel free to check out Where the Light Falls when it comes out on the 11th of July if you enjoy reading books set during the French Revolution.

Forest of a Thousand Lanterns (ARC)

Now that I think about it, this may have arrived in the mail on July 2nd (and this is a March – June haul)… But I’ve been pretty diligent at not breaking my book buying ban (as badly) so I should probably go ahead and include it in this haul. Anyhow, the last time I requested an ARC was back in January… and it happened to be this book. Therefore, this was a wonderful surprise! I really, really look forward to reading this since it’s an own voices book. (Although, Julie is Viet-American (like me!) and the story focuses on Chinese mythology and folklore.)

Manga/Graphic Novels

Dengeki Daisy is the only new series that I started to collect from this bunch. You can read more details about why I chose to here.

Pop Funkos

I bought three vinyl figures this month (a few days ago at the beginning of July) and I think I’m officially done; I’ve gotten all the characters I want for now.

Belle (“Beauty and the Beast” yellow ball gown pop funko)

The Beast (“Something There” winter pop funko)

Levi (Attack on Titan pop funko)

This figurine must have came out after season 2 of Attack on Titan finished airing because they didn’t have Levi before. Actually, the main reason why I decided to have a pop funko splurge was because I saw this at the store and it was a buy 3 get the fourth free sale. (My friend got the fourth figure; and we split the costs.) Levi is my favorite character of the series; I only got Eren before because he represents the series well being the main protagonist but I honestly can’t stand him sometimes.

And that’s a wrap! I hope you all enjoy the photos. I’ve started to incorporate posts from my Instagram/Twitter now because I’m running out of media on WordPress, guys! I’m at 59%. T__T That means I’ll probably only have 2 years left of free WordPress before I might have to consider upgrading. Oh well. I’m not going to worry myself over this until I reach that point, haha.

Have a nice day! I’ll be spending the rest of mine blogging (since I’m really in the mood), hehe. 😉

55 thoughts on “Book Haul: March – June 2017 (And Some of July)

  1. Marie says:

    Ohhh too bad you are reading When Dimple Met Rishi now – a couple days ago, we could have buddy read it for sure! I hope you’ll enjoy it as much as I did, it was such a sweet and fun book. 🙂
    You’re so lucky you got The Forest of a Thousand Lanterns, I am SO excited for that one! ❤ ❤ I hope you’ll love it ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • Summer @ Xingsings says:

      NO WAY. Ugh, I can’t believe our potential buddy read was missed by only a few days. But I am so thrilled to hear that you enjoyed it so much; I look forward to reading your thoughts when you post your review (if you plan to, that is).
      Yes! I’m so grateful that I got a copy as well. :’) Thank you, Marie! ❤


    • Summer @ Xingsings says:

      Thank you so much, Kristin!

      Haha, I actually wasn’t planning to collect all those B&tB pop funkos, but it kind of happened since my local bookstore always has these tempting buy 2 or 3 and get the last free sales.

      Me as well! I love how refreshing it is that Uprooted’s a standalone fantasy not a series. (But I kind of wish I got the UK edition since the hues in that one are absolutely stunning.)


  2. Aimal @ Bookshelves & Paperbacks says:

    What a wonderful haul, Summer – I’ve said this before and I’ll say it til I die, your hauls are always such goals. I hope you enjoy[ed] The Beauty of Darkness as much as I did! I think the series got progressively better as it went along; I truly loved the conclusion and the character arcs. The Book Boyfriends Box looks so cute – I hadn’t heard of it before! 🙂

    ~ Aimal @ Bookshelves & Paperbacks

    Liked by 1 person

    • Summer @ Xingsings says:

      /cries/ Why are you so kind to me, Aimal! Well, thank you! ❤

      This has probably become a trend with most of my book hauls, but I actually haven’t started the Remnant Chronicles, sadly. But I am so pleased to learn that it improves as the series continues; I’ll keep that in mind when I start The Kiss of Deception.

      Right?! The name was what drew me to the company, haha. Unfortunately though, June was their last box. :/


    • Summer @ Xingsings says:

      Thank you so much, Hannah!

      Oh, thank goodness, I’m not the only one then! I joined the bandwagon pretty late having read the first two installments just a few months ago so I had no idea. XD But I am so happy to hear you enjoyed the “conclusion” to the trilogy/series.

      Liked by 1 person

      • amortalreader1 says:

        I’m forever jumping on the bandwagon late too for series, I kind of like to read things when the hype has died down the most so I picked up ACOTAR months after everyone else too 🙂


  3. Briana says:

    Thank goodness I wasn’t the only one who didn’t realize ACOWAR wrapped up the series!

    I really wanted the April Book Boyfriend Box. It looks so cool! But sadly I am currently unemployed and trying not to buy too many frivolous things. 😉 It’s awesome that you won a box!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Summer @ Xingsings says:

      Right? This kind of, sort of reminds me of Cassandra Clare with The Mortal Instruments. I remember reading that particular series when it was slated as just a three book trilogy, but then after book three released it was confirmed to be continued by three more sequels. I’m relieved that SJM is just prolonging the series with just spinoffs and not dragging out the main story from the original three books though.

      Aww, I’m sorry to hear that! Unfortunately, I can’t say they’ll be other chances since this month was BBB’s last box.

      (And I hope you find a job soon if you’re looking for one, that is; lately, I’ve been seeking available internship positions (to add to the job I have now) and it’s tough!)


  4. leathehatless says:

    I feel you with the space for photos. That’s why I mostly host the pictures in a side website and just glue the url. It saves some space.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Summer @ Xingsings says:

      That’s a great idea! Unfortunately though, I feel like I’ve sunken too deep into the convenience of adding and linking up my media on this site. I may just have to give in and go premium once I need more space (if I’m still blogging by then, that is).

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Poulami @ Daydreaming Books says:

    You will wow me with your haul!! I’m halfway through When Dimple Met Rishi and it’s sooo cute!! I hope you love it along with the other books! Happy reading! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Myrthe says:

    I love your pictures! I include pictures from IG a lot, because it’s just so easy. They’re original pictures, mine, and already edited. Taking new pictures just takes too long sometimes 😛

    Liked by 1 person

    • Summer @ Xingsings says:

      Thank you, Myrthe! Lately, I’ve been really into posting on Instagram as well. And you’re so right! Despite how long these photoshoots take, getting bookish photos is really fun. Plus, these pictures can certainly help jazz up blog posts. 😉

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Reg @ She Latitude says:

    I love this haul and your pictures SO MUCH. You’ve gotten such beautiful-looking books and I’m sure they’d be great on your shelves. And that hardcover of Once and for All is totally on my wishlist. 💕

    Also here’s hoping you enjoy When Dimple Met Rishi! I loved the premise more than the book itself, but perhaps you’ll have a different experience with it. It has less “arranged marriage” than I wanted, but the diversity is great and it’s always lovely to read #OwnVoices books.

    I loveeed The Boy Most Likely To and Uprooted, so I hope you like those two too. 🤗

    Liked by 1 person

    • Summer @ Xingsings says:

      Thank you SO MUCH, Reg! 💕

      Right now these books are still stacked as a pile on my desk, but I plan to put them away properly soon.

      Oh no! I was hoping the arrange marriage in When Dimple Met Rishi would be kind of prominent, since that was what drawn me towards it originally. That’s too bad. Thank you for the heads up, however. 🙂


  8. Lois says:

    Now this is one impressive book haul and your pictures are an absolute stunner. The fact that The boy Most Likely To made it into your haul has me smiling away. It’s the perfect summer contemporary books. I keep seeing I Believe in a Thing Called Love on goodreads and while I’ve yet to branch into that Asian drama viewing, I am most definitely intrigued. Plus the plot of the book sounds hilariously epic.


    • Summer @ Xingsings says:

      Thank you, Lois!

      We’re moving into fall over here, and I still cannot believe I haven’t read any Fitzpatrick or Matson books. Sigh, maybe next year. (Although, I might decide to read those contemporary titles during the non-summer seasons. Who knows!) Yes! I knew I had to get I Believe in a Thing Called Love since you know how obsessed I am with Asian dramas, albeit the historical and not modern day ones.

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Breeny's Books says:

    This is such an impressive haul. You’ll definitely love WDMR and Illuminae, they’re both so amazing!! Awsome post!

    I’m new to blogging and book reviewing, and I was wondering if you had any tips for newbie bloggers and book reviewers.

    If you have the time, please check out my blog @breenysbooks. I’d love any feedback. Have a wonderful day.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. bookishandawesome says:

    Summer, ARE YOU GOING TO MURDER SOMEONE WITH THAT MASSIVE THE BEAUTY OF DARKNESS, HUH???? Also? I’ve heard so many good things about When Dimple Met Rishi and I’m curious to know what you think if/when you get around to picking it up. Also also? I see a copy of Go Set a Watchman and—okay, I will shut up now… 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Summer @ Xingsings says:

      You’ve no idea how much of a struggle taking these pictures was, Miel! My fingers got a work out after Beauty of Darkness, that’s for sure. 😂

      Omg, you know, every time you mention TKAM (or GSAW) I get SO GUILTY. I still really need to read it. T_T It’ll happen someday (I hope)!


  11. Alicia @ A Kernel of Nonsense says:

    I was moments away from preordering Forest of a Thousand Lanterns today. I’m trying to be more strict with my book buying for the latter part of the year, but so many of these books are tempting. I absolutely adore Uprooted. It’s got some of the best world-building I’ve come across. I still need to read When Dimple Met Rishi, but it might have to wait until August. Where do we find the time to read all the books we buy? Hope you enjoy all your new books!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Summer @ Xingsings says:

      That’s actually really good! I don’t have much self control when it comes to buying books. And, recently, it’s only gotten worse as I’ve been obsessed with buying bookish merch like literary candles and book subscription boxes. I’m glad to hear that about Uprooted; I believe it’s a standalone, which makes it extra cool, in my opinion.

      The answer to that is I don’t. Unfortunately, a lot of the ones I buy myself are just collecting dust on my shelves since I only prioritize the arcs.

      Thank you, Alicia!

      Liked by 1 person

  12. Sophie Li says:

    Love how the pictures look like they are floating in mid-air 🙂
    I am also looking forward to reading When Dimple Meets Rishi since I have heard so many great things about it.
    Glad to meet a pharmacy student 🙂 I am a recent pharmacy grad from Canada. I am working at a hospital right now. Good luck with your school and training!



    • Summer @ Xingsings says:

      Hi Sophie!

      Thank you so much! It was a different concept that I wanted to try again. 🙂

      Oh my gosh, that’s very cool. Congratulations on graduating and becoming Dr. Li! 😉 I’ve always aspired to work in a hospital; we have our hospital labs and rotation this approaching year, so I’m very excited. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  13. Zoe says:

    SO MANY GREAT BOOKS! I can’t wait to see what you think of these – especially When Dimple Met Rishi and Illuminae. 🙂 Thanks for sharing and, as always, fabulous haul! ❤


  14. Thomas says:

    Yasss Summer what a splendorous post filled with books, happy for you for winning some and buying some and sharing them all with us! I know it’s important to conserve money but I honestly don’t feel as bad about buying books because 1) the money goes to support writers and publishers and honestly we need more of that and 2) books are a mind-growing, empathy-building indulgence so why not? And I appreciate how you’re able to appreciate the aesthetic of the books while still treating them with a critical eye (like in your review of Once and For All). Hope you are doing well. (:

    Liked by 1 person

    • Summer @ Xingsings says:

      Thank you so much, Thomas! And thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to visit my blog. Seeing your comments always brighten my day. ^.^

      Exactly! There are definitely worse things to be obsessed with and addicted to. :’) Outside necessities, extra food and books are the bulk of where my funds go in the month, but I’m not complaining. (Besides, I’m kind of worried about my local bookstore going out of business any day; it makes me so sad that very few people appreciate bookstores nowadays.)


  15. Rachana says:

    Wow what an awesome haul!! This all looks so amazing, I hope you have lots of fun reading these books. I recognize a lot of my favorites in this post too – When Dimple Met Rishi, Uprooted, Illuminae, etc. Also, I am dying to read Forest of a Thousand Lanterns and it’s so cool that you received an ARC copy of it!

    Rachana @ Spun

    Liked by 1 person

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