The Golden Lily by Richelle Mead

9781921518478The Golden Lily by Richelle Mead
Series: Bloodlines #2 (2/6)
Published by Razorbill on June 20, 2012
Genres: [Young Adult] Paranormal, Urban Fantasy
Pages: 418
Format: Hardcover
Source: Purchased

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Books a Million

3.5 Stars, Completed March 25, 2015

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*Quick warning: If you’re using WordPress’ Reader the white text will remain as visible black text and you’ll see spoilers regardless of whether you highlight the text or not. Make sure to read this post on my actual blog for the white text to appear and therefore the spoilers to be concealed; this is the only way for this method to be effective. Sorry for the inconvenience!

Do you usually write reviews on books right after you’ve finished reading them or do you take a couple of days to process your thoughts? Well, it’s obviously the latter for me. It took me 2 weeks to make this review because I needed to gather and finalize my thoughts (and honestly, I’ve been swamped with school work and final midterms).

I was much more satisfied with this installment in comparison to Bloodlines. The Golden Lily begins with Sydney in Virginia, where she is called by higher ranking Alchemists to see Keith Darnell in confinement and judge his mental state. From Bloodlines, readers would know that Keith illegally worked with vampires to run a celestial tattoo business. It was bad of him to use these supernatural tattoos, but, in the Alchemists’ eyes, even worse to be in cohorts with vampires, since they view all types of vampires as evil creatures of the night. During this visit Sydney was also able to meet a delirious human man obsessed with becoming strigoi, the most evil vampire race. Once she sees him she’s reminded as to why Alchemists have to keep the divide between humans and vampires.

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