Top Ten Tuesday: Ten Books You Recently Added To Your To-Be-Read List

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Hiya, it’s that time of the week for a Top Ten Tuesday post! This week’s topic by The Broke and the Bookish is 10 recently added To-Be-Read books, so this should be rather simple!

IMG_2588The Diviners
by Libba Bray

Genres: [Young Adult] Fantasy, Mystery, Horror

I was instantly intrigued by this one because it has my favorite elements: historical fiction and fantasy. It’s set in the 1920s and there’s a murder.

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Exploring My Bookshelves: March

Hi guys, I recently decided to participate in a new weekly meme by Addlepates and Book Nerds called “Exploring My Bookshelves.” For this meme, Victoria creates a new topic each week to allow book bloggers to explore their shelves and share their findings with the blogosphere. Unfortunately, because of school, I’m going to have to treat this as a monthly feature instead, but I think it’ll still be just as fun! The very first “Explore My Bookshelves” topic was actually in late February, so I’m going to go ahead and include that one in this month’s as well.

Anyway, here goes!

So I know it’s required/recommended to post your bookshelves, so here is mine. I’ll try to post a new picture each month since my bookcase is ever changing. 20+ books have arrived from bookoutlet since last week when I posted my Bookshelves post.


1. February 26, 2015: Series You Own the Most of

I have the most books in the Students Across the Seven Seas (S.A.S.S.) series, with 14 books. But if you count the spin offs, The Clique wins with 18 books (13 primary works + 5 summer collection books).

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Bloodlines by Richelle Mead

9781921518881Bloodlines by Richelle Mead
Series: Bloodlines #1 (1/6)
Published by Razorbill on August 23, 2011
Genres: [Young Adult] Paranormal, Urban Fantasy
Pages: 421
Format: Hardcover
Source: Purchased

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Books a Million

2.5 Stars, Completed on March 22, 2015

highlight* to view SPOILERS, may contain VA SPOILERS –

*Quick warning: If you’re using WordPress’ Reader the white text will remain as visible black text and you’ll see spoilers regardless of whether you highlight the text or not. Make sure to read this post on my actual blog for the white text to appear and therefore the spoilers to be concealed; this is the only way for this method to be effective. Sorry for the inconvenience!

Ugh, another vampire book, Summer? I started reading Jane Austen’s Emma weeks ago, but for some reason I’m having a hard time finishing it. Despite being an Austen fan, Emma is so unlikeable, and I’m a reader that must like the protagonist (even if they’re bad, mean, evil, etc). And I really need to read and review Gates of Thread and Stone, but for some reason I can’t even start that one as well. That too has been on hold. So every time reader’s block appears, it cues a vampire novel, my literary guilty pleasure. Thus why I started and finished Bloodlines in a few days.

I had high expectations of Bloodlines because it’s a spin off to the Vampire Academy series, which I thoroughly enjoyed. In VA there was romance, humor, action, and unpredictable plot twists (well unpredictable for the majority of the time). If you haven’t read those, you should. It’s remained as my favorite young adult vampire series ever since I started reading them. Unfortunately, Bloodlines started off real slow for me. I’m not sure whether it was because I was already in a reading slump or it was due to Mead trying to fill in the gaps for readers that weren’t familiar with the VA world and the long refresher annoyed me.

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Top Ten Tuesday: Top 10 Books from My Childhood That I Would Love To Revisit

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For most of my childhood, I hated reading. I was 11 when Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows was released, and my dad decided to buy it for me since it was literally everywhere (and he knew my dislike towards reading). So the comical thing is that I actually read the final HP book first, but it got me into reading.

I thought it’d be appropriate to put that out there since my list will probably contain a lot of young adult novels than children books, since I didn’t really start reading until my preteen and early teenage years. That being said, I actually haven’t read NarniaSeries of Unfortunate Eventsand The Hobbit (don’t hurt me!), but I plan to! But anyway, onto this week’s Top Ten Tuesday feature by The Broke and the Bookish!

IMG_2442Harry Potter (Series)
by J.K. Rowling

Genres: [Children/Young Adult] Fantasy, Adventure

A total childhood classic that is timeless, and pretty much is awesome when read at any age. This is probably going to appear on everyone’s list this week.

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Bookcase/Bookshelves Post?

Hi! So lately I’ve been inspired to share my bookcase/bookshelves thanks to other book bloggers that have been encouraging me to do so (and because of Shelby’s post). Another incentive for me to post this is because of Addlepates and Book Nerds‘s weekly meme that allows book bloggers to “explore their bookshelves” and share their findings with the blogosphere. Honestly with school and the PCAT creeping up in July, I probably will make this a monthly feature instead. So I’ll do all of the 4 challenges in that month in 1 post at the end of each month. But since this is only the third week of March, I’m just going to share my bookcase in this post.

So with no further ado, this is my main bookcase that holds most of my novels (and the two sides holds movies)! They’re kind of sorted into series and genres.

IMG_2427 Continue reading

Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Books on My Spring TBR List

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This week’s topic for Top Ten Tuesday, a meme by The Broke and the Bookish, is Top Ten Books on My Spring “To Be Read” List! It was too hard for me to anticipate what I would actually be reading next, so I just made a list of books I’m most excited to read.

As always, this is not in any particular order of excitement (that just sounded so awkward, but I hope you know what I mean), let’s get started!

cvr9781451635621_9781451635621_hrGone With the Wind
by Margaret Mitchell

Genres: Classics, Historical Fiction, Romance

Being someone who grew up in the South, I’m interested to see how Mitchell uses the Civil War South elements in this classic. It’s pretty lengthy, and I’ve read reviews that state “I want to slap spoiled, selfish, and stupid Scarlett O’Hara silly,”  but I think I’ll enjoy it.

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Eternal by C.C. Hunter

EternalEternal by C.C. Hunter
Series: Shadow Falls: After Dark Book #2 (2/4)
Published by St. Martin’s Griffin on October 28, 2014
Genres: [Young Adult] Paranormal, Urban Fantasy
Pages: 386
Format: Paperback
Source: Purchased

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Books a Million

4 Stars, Reread March 12, 2015

– highlight* to view SPOILERS  –

*Quick warning: If you’re using WordPress’ Reader the white text will remain as visible black text and you’ll see spoilers regardless of whether you highlight the text or not. Make sure to read this post on my actual blog for the white text to appear and therefore the spoilers to be concealed; this is the only way for this method to be effective. Sorry for the inconvenience!

I kind of feel bad because it’s been so long since I’ve written a book review. I’m already a slow reader and an even slower one in the midst of school. But I haven’t really had an excuse because I’ve been on my spring break for the past week. Lately, I’ve been reading what other bloggers have shared more than I have done actual reading, so I thought it’d be appropriate to write a review of my latest reread before I lose all rights as a book blogger.

In this installment of the Shadow Falls: After Dark series, Della begins to learn more about her new powers as a reborn vampire. She’s much stronger, swifter, and even more badass than the last book. Della continues to unravel the mysteries in her family history, including learning about her murdered aunt and estranged vampire uncle. In the process, a ghost continues to bother her (yes, apparently, these reborn vampires are limited necromancers as well) with visions and clues to an underground vampire unit, where young fresh-turns are used as slaves. And even worse, she’s assigned to work this case with Chase, a vampire she’s bonded with that shares these ghost visions. Della’s attracted to him but the perpetual lies and secrets makes her dislike him. Like in Reborn, there’s more issues with family, mysteries, and love interests (yup, plural, but don’t worry, the love triangle doesn’t dominate the plot).

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Top Ten Tuesday: Ten Books for Readers Who Like Manga/Graphic Novels (Especially in the Shoujo Genre)

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Hi everyone! Once again, I’m participating in the Top Ten Tuesday meme, by The Broke and Bookish. This week’s topic is actually Ten Books for Readers Who Like _____, so it was really left for the blogger to choose this week’s theme. Since it’s rare to get this opportunity to make up your own topic for the weekly feature, I thought it’d be fun and different to talk about books most of my readers don’t read, manga (or graphic novels)! And, I guess, some could argue that manga/graphic novels aren’t books, but I don’t care, I still think they are.

Oh, and if you click the image, it leads you a page called myanimelist, which is basically the equivalent to goodreads for someone who loves to read manga or watch anime. And if you hover over the pictures, they should all be sourced/cited to where I got the original image since these aren’t my photos (well except for one).

Anyway, here goes!

28714-sb2_superSkip Beat!
by Yoshiki Nakamura

Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance, Shoujo

This one is my favorite and the art is gorgeous! It’s about a girl named Kyoko, and she follows her childhood crush to Tokyo. There she helps him achieve his dreams of becoming a singer and actor, but he dumps her after a couple of months. So to seek revenge, she decides to enter the acting industry herself to show him how much more successful she will become without him in her life. Kyoko goes through a lot of character development as more volumes are released, and there’s some great humor too!

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The Death of Sojin Ahn and the Industry of Korean Pop Idols


A photo of Sojin Ahn during Baby Kara. Source.

Update 8/13/15: When I originally published this post I didn’t think that many readers would read this since I was a newbie blogger and had like what? 5 followers? It’s unbelievable that I’ve been blogging for over half a year now and that this is my most viewed post to date. So I just wanted to thank you guys that have read and shared this post. As I said, this is one of my earlier posts on this blog so I apologize for the lack of balance of professionalism and bias, which I now constantly strive to display in my later blog posts. And for K-pop fans, I initially wrote this thinking my reading audience would be new to K-pop, so there’s a good bit of an introduction. I will often refer to “Gangnam Style” and other K-pop cliches. 

Lately, I’ve been hearing two debates. Is the dress blue and black, or white and gold? And the controversy within the Korean pop music industry. It’s likely you’ve seen the dress, but I’m pretty sure you haven’t caught onto the K-pop situation. Recently, Sojin Ahn, a K-pop trainee, was found dead due to jumping off the 10th floor of her apartment building with thoughts of suicide.  Continue reading