Bookishly Ever After by Isabel Bandeira


Bookishly Ever After by Isabel Bandeira
Series: Ever After #1 (1/?)
Published by Spencer Hill Contemporary on January 12, 2016
Genres: [YA] Contemporary
Pages: 350
Format: eARC
Source: Publisher

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1.5 Stars, Completed January 17, 2016

– minor SPOILERS ahead –

I think I’m the black sheep with this one. I hate to confess that this book was just very awkward to read.

Bookishly Ever After is a story about a girl named Phoebe that loves all things bookish. She’s an avid reader of ya romance, cosplays to her book signings, and even has a line of book boyfriends. She also happens to be a profound archer and enjoys knitting for those she deems knitworthy. Then her best friend convinces her that she should give real guys a chance and suggests Phoebe to woo Dev, a hot, Indian-American theater and band enthusiast, who seems to have a thing for Phoebe as well. With all the fictional fantasies Phoebe’s recollected from her beloved books she creates a journal full of advice on flirting and dating, and tries her hand of making a real guy fall for her. But she soon becomes disillusioned by how she’s perceived real life to be compared to the perfect fictional world literature presents. Perhaps, reality is too overrated after all.

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