Exploring My Bookshelves: April

I can’t believe it’s already the last Friday of April and my last day of spring semester classes. Lately my life’s been hectic with studying for finals, so I almost totally forgot to participate in Exploring My Bookshelves, a weekly meme by Addlepates and Book Nerds (but because of school I’ve adapted it as a monthly meme where I post on the last Friday of each month)! It’s super late in the day where I live, but I hope you guys enjoy! ^.^

So it’s recommended to include a picture of your bookshelf, so here is mine as of how it currently looks. (It’s so different from last month, huh? Forever rearranging the shelves… I’ll never be satisfied.)



6. April 3, 2015: Your Favorite Author


This is a tough one, but I just fell in love with the shadowhunter world since the first time I read City of Bones. So I’d have to pick Cassandra Clare. She’s definitely an author in which I’ve invested a lot of money in. I usually buy her books once they’re available for pre-order (well accept for The Bane Chronicles, I don’t own that just yet). I know TMI isn’t for everyone, but I loved Clare’s storytelling since reading it.

7. April 10, 2015: What You Wished You’d Published


Another difficult one, I would say Harry Potter because the story-building, characters, and magical world beats all. J.K. Rowling has an amazing imagination and I’m so grateful that she got her work published for the rest of us to enjoy. I’m a little envious that I’m not that creative. 😛

8. April 17, 2015: Set Somewhere Different from Where You Live


To be honest, I own so many books that are not set in the States and a bunch set in faraway universes, so I have tons of books that could apply to this one. I’ll have to pick The Tiger’s Curse though, it’s set in India!

9. April 24, 2015: Characters You Want to Bring to Life


Well, I literally just finished reading Simon Versus the Homo Sapiens Agenda a few minutes ago, and really enjoyed all the characters (Simon and Blue have crept up my list of ultimate OTPs). I think I’d love to bring Simon to life and be buddies with him. 🙂

As always, hope y’all had an amazing Friday! Stay awesome! 🙂

34 thoughts on “Exploring My Bookshelves: April

  1. Thuong Le says:

    Wow your bookshelf is so beautiful and huge! Mine is so tiny compared to yours! That’s two of my favourite books – Harry Potter and City of Bones 🙂 I was so iffy when I first brought the Mortal Instruments trilogy, I was worried ‘what if I don’t like it?!’ but it was the best decision I ever made 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

      • Thuong Le says:

        It’s just like Twilight. When it was first published, people didn’t hate it as much but then the movies got released and the fanbase grew, a lot of people started hating on it. Haha me too, Jace is so sarcastic and funny! Can’t wait for the Shadowhunters TV series 🙂

        Liked by 2 people

  2. Trisha Ann says:

    I know I’ve sais it before but I’m saying it again. I really love your book corner!! I miss reading HP and now, I’m starting to invest on the new cover by Bloomsbury 😀

    Liked by 2 people

    • sumlynnnguyen says:

      Aww, thanks, Trisha Ann! Oh my gosh, those new illustrations are gorgeous!! I have a few books in which I own more than one copy, but that’s only because they were gifts. Thankfully, I have a hard time purchasing multiple copies of the same book, but if I was okay with the owning more than one copy policy, I would invest in them too! 🙂 (I bet they look beautiful on your shelf!)

      Liked by 2 people

    • sumlynnnguyen says:

      Yeah, this is my addiction, buying books. 😛 And oh no! I think on my “about” page I mentioned enjoying to write, but I meant for my blog and not actual writing. (I probably should clarify that someday.) XD I’m an awful writer, I’m definitely better off as a reader. 🙂 (And, yes, fantasy/parnormal/sci fi are my go-to genres.)

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Savindi (The Streetlight Reader) says:

    I’m so jealous of your MASSIVE and beautiful bookshelves lol!! I wish I had that kind of space!! I’ve been hearing a lot about Simon vs. the Homo sapiens Agenda and a friend of mine seems ot have loved it, so maybe I’ll pick it up sometime. And I spot your Manga collection :D. Which mangas do you own?

    Liked by 1 person

    • sumlynnnguyen says:

      Thanks, Savindi! OH MY GOODNESS, there’s so much I loved about Simon vs. the Homo Sapeins Agenda… I really need to get on with writing a review for that soon. As for manga, I don’t read much of it to be honest. I own Chihayafuru, Sailor Moon, Vampire Knight, and Kamisama Hajimemashita. From the ones I own, I’ve only read Vampire Knight (and I’m still not done). I have seen the animes to those though. And the only manga I’ve read and caught up to the current released volumes is Skip Beat! I seriously obsess over Skip Beat every time a new chapter is scanned online. 😛 What about you, do you read manga too?


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