The Harry Potter Tag

Harry Potter Tag

Hi! I was tagged by Shelby @Bookish Royalty, one of my first WP friends when I started Xingsings, to do The Harry Potter Tag. I think Shelby is currently on hiatus and offline, but thank you Shelby! Gosh, this tag was long overdue.

As some of you guys know I’m a huge Harry Potter fan. Consequently, I unconsciously talk about HP in almost all of my posts (I searched “HP” on my blog and 12 posts came up, LOL). So I thought before I get into these questions I’d share with you my HP story and how I got into the series-in case, some of you are new to this blog and don’t know of it.

I’ve never been much of a reader and it was that way for the majority of my childhood. It wasn’t until the summer before 5th grade, when I was eleven and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows was released did I enjoy reading. (My dad’s smart logic was to get me the most hyped book of the summer. It worked though!) But yes, I ended reading the last HP book first. Naturally, I was hooked… and so confused. So I ended buying my paperback box set and breezing through those in two weeks, which was mighty fast for a non-bookworm now that I think about it. Therefore, you can say HP was the magical turning point in my childhood, in regards to reading that is.

Now that I’m older and have reread HP many times, I have found parts to not awe me as easily. However I still believe the HP books are timeless reads that any reader at any age should give go if they haven’t already-or you can just watch the movies, up to you. Speaking of movies, since I joined the fandom later I’m totally guilty of watching the movies prior to reading the books as well…

But yeah. I thought I’d share that because it only seemed appropriate in this post. Plus, this’ll become an easy post to find if I every need to explain how HP changed my life. LOL. So onto the questions!

1. Favorite book?
I think this is an unpopular opinion but Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix. It’s been a couple of years since my last HP reading marathon so I can’t pinpoint exactly what made me like this book over the others but I did remember loving every minute of the adventure. (And I think I reread this one the most, one or two times more than the other installments.)

2. Favorite movie?
Goblet of Fire because I really liked how the games were portrayed. Also so many new characters made appearances such as Fleur and Viktor Krum.

3. Least favorite book?
I honestly can’t remember. However Chamber of Secrets was always my least favorite movie just because I was always uber creeped out by the ginormous snake. And Moaning Myrtle was pretty freaky too.


Speaking of snakes, I got to hold one for the first time in one of my labs this year! This one wasn’t scary being so small.

4. Parts of the books/movies that make you cry?
Books make me cry but movies? Gosh, there can be some seriously embarrassing waterworks going on. But to answer the question: definitely the moment when Sirius was killed. And Dobby. Reading those parts are sad but actually seeing them in motion picture made it so much more emotional and real.

5. Favorite character?
This is a hard one. I don’t think there is a character that I don’t like, well other than Voldemort but everyone doesn’t like him by default, I think. (I do admit he’s a great villain though.) I guess I’d choose between Luna and Tonks. Both are quirky and I really loved their roles with helping Harry’s journey.

6. What would your Patronus be?
A dolphin, because they’re one of my favorite animals and I don’t think a character in the books/movies has claimed it.

7. If you could have the Resurrection Stone, the Invisibility Cloak, or the Elder Wand, which one would you choose?
The Invisibility Cloak! I mean how cool would it be to be invisible?

8. What House would you be in?
Gryffindor, for sure! 😀

9. If you could meet any member of the cast, who would it be?
Emma Watson just because she’s so kind and pretty. From the interviews I’ve seen of her, she seems very down to earth and nice. And I love her voice/accent, lol.

10. If you were on the quidditch team, what position would you play?
I would want to play as a beater. It’d be fun to whack bludgers. It’s nice to have another teammate in the same position so he/she could help me; and as pitiful as it sounds, I don’t want to have all the blame if a member is hit by those scary fast-moving balls. XD

11. Were you happy with the ending?
Like I mentioned above, my first HP book was Deathly Hallows so I don’t think it was as satisfying as if I read them in order and as long as other readers have. When I finished it, I had the security of knowing there were other installments for me to read and I was like “okay, time to read the others now!”

12. How much does Harry Potter mean to you?
Pretty important. I become instant friends with Potterheads.

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Totally in agreement with Adam.

I tag these Potterheads* –

*Okay, so it was really hard figuring out who was a fan of HP and who was not. I was prolonging this post because I wasn’t sure who I should tag and was waiting to discover some more Potterheads in the blogosphere. If I’ve explicitly talked about HP with you or you’re my friend on GR and you gave HP 4+ stars I identified you as Potterhead. Sorry for presuming anything-feel free to ignore this tag if it isn’t for you.

Okay, thanks for tuning in and have a nice Tuesday! 🙂

82 thoughts on “The Harry Potter Tag

  1. Analee @ Book Snacks says:

    Ha ha according to the house quiz, I’m a Ravenclaw. Although I guess I could choose Gryffindor if I wanted to. Not that Ravenclaw’s bad though. I mean, Luna’s Ravenclaw, and Luna’s great! 😉
    And it would totally be amazing to have the invisibility cloak! Invisibility is awesome. I’d also love to have my Patronus be a dolphin! I’ve always loved dolphins, so it’s mine, paws off!! Ha ha just kidding, but only because you’re my friend. lol. XD
    And if I comment any more I’ll be commenting on all your choices, so I will end this medium-sized comment by saying Great choice and thanks for tagging me! ❤ #Potterheadsforlife!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Summer @ Xingsings says:

      I just did tried taking that sorting quiz for the first time and I got Hufflepuff! 🙂 I honestly don’t know much about that house, haha. And omg, LOL. XD Well I guess we’ll have to share the dolphin then. 😛 Thank you, Analee! Hope you have fun when you get around to posting this!


      • Nicola says:

        Really? Prisoner is probably my third or fourth favourite; I definitely prefer the later books over the earlier ones.

        For me the early books are in the realm of ‘middle grade fantasy I loved so much as a kid that it’s a nostalgia read’, while Goblet onward are are books that I could pick up for the first time today and still adore.

        Maybe that’s just the age I was when I read the books, though; I was 9 when I read the first three, then 13-17 for the last three, so I mentally class them differently.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. booksandblah says:

    I think your HP story is really nice! Though a little bit sad because you kind of spoiled yourself for the ending lol. OMG YOU HELD A SNAKE. My favourite book/movie keeps changing. For a long time mine was OOTP as well, but my reasoning was rather silly – it’s the longest book so more time to spend at Hogwarts! 😀 Have you ever been to The Wizarding World of Harry Potter in Florida? I want to go more than anything! My best friend did, and I AM SO JEALOUS! Thanks a lot for the tag! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Summer @ Xingsings says:

      I know right? I don’t know what made my dad think that was a good idea. But hey, at least I enjoy reading now (and I went back to read the others). AND YES, IT WAS ACTUALLY SO COOL. I went to HP world in FL two summers ago and it was amazing. You must go one day and try a frozen butterbeer (they taste better than the regular cold ones)! And no problem, looking forward to seeing how you’ll answer the questions! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • booksandblah says:

        The important part is that you read HP and loved it all the same ^_^ I heard they’re expanding the park now. O.o If I ever go, I’d want to go for like a week or two weeks so that I can just stay within the magic of HP for sometime and escape from the normal world 😉

        Liked by 1 person

  3. chuffwrites says:

    A HARRY POTTER TAG?! I’m going to have to do this. I can’t believe you came into HP by reading the last book first!! I hope the ending wasn’t too totally spoiled for you! I think my favorite books switch between Goblet of Fire and Order of the Phoenix, mostly because they’re the lengthiest and meatiest and let you live in that world for the longest.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Summer @ Xingsings says:

      I know right? I still can’t believe it myself! Haha, I was plenty spoiled… when I went back to read the others I was like “don’tgetattacheddon’tgetattached, he/she will die later on.” XD I agree, I think my second favorite is Goblet of Fire. Oh, and I just formally linked and tagged you, so make sure to link back so I can read your responses. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Kelly @ Dancing Through the Pages says:

    I didn’t even know this existed but I’m happy that it does!
    LOL to you reading the last book first. I can see the security that it gives you but I think I would have read the others first. Except that it probably would’ve taken me forever to figure out that it was the last book.
    In another universe I’d probably agree with you on how the movie for Goblet of Fire was the best but every time I turned on the ABC Harry Potter marathon, I’d always end up watching either Goblet of Fire or Order of Phoenix. So I’ve probably seen each of those movies at least three times. Yet I haven’t seen the entirety of Half-Blood Prince OTL
    On the other hand, I joined Pottermore a while ago and was instantly housed into Hufflepuff. I kind of expected it haha!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Summer @ Xingsings says:

      Trust me, I would have much rather read them in publication order. 😛 I’ve once asked my dad why he got me Deathly Hallows instead of Sorcerer’s Stone or the other books and he’s like “oh, I had no idea that was the last book” DESPITE the “book 7” on the cover. XD Lol. And Half Blood Prince wasn’t my favorite movie honestly… it’s very morbid. And I hate the fact someone special dies in that book. T.T And oh! I actually took the house quiz today and got Hufflepuff as my house but I don’t really know what that house signifies… 😛


  5. Bhramori says:

    Okay, I, um, probably need to calm down a bit. 😛 I’m still hyperventilating, though, so I’m just gonna say that I loved your answers and I’m TOTALLY DOING THIS TAG!
    And one of my friends started HP by reading Deathly Hallows first (I still have NO idea how you people manage to do it) so I can understand your situation. 😦
    Like I said, I’m definitely doing this tag (and you actually held a snake in your hands. Wow. How were you feeling?)

    Liked by 1 person

    • Summer @ Xingsings says:

      I KNOW RIGHT? I actually order my drafts according to the date I created them, and I was so horrified I was tagged to do this 3+ months ago. What a pity that I’m only doing it now because it was so fun!! So I just formally tagged you, Bhramori; you should totally join in the fun! And oh my gosh, I didn’t think starting with Deathly Hallows was that common… Glad to not be quite as alone (thank you, Bhramori’s friend!). 😉


  6. Erika says:

    Okay that snake picture sent shivers down my spine..I hate looking at snakes. They freak me out.

    Anyways I totally know how you feel not having read the first book to start off the series. I actually read the third book first though maybe it’s not as bad compared to reading the last book.

    I would pick Emma Watson as well. She’s just really awesome.

    Thank you for the tag, Summer! ❤ I know you have tagged me for other tags but I may choose to do this one first since it’s all about Harry Potter. HAHA

    Liked by 1 person

    • Summer @ Xingsings says:

      LOL. I don’t have a terrible fear of snakes but I get a little surprised every time I see that picture in my phone’s gallery. XD Interesting, from the comments, I guess it’s pretty common for some readers to start on different HP books than the first. And you’re totally welcome, Erika! Hope your trip is still going well!

      Liked by 1 person

  7. cwreads says:

    A DOLPHIN! I think a dolphin Patronus would suit you, Summer! 😀

    Thank you for the tag, Summer! I think I haven’t read the Harry Potter books (even though I tell myself I will reread them some day) since I graduated from high school… which feels like eons ago! But I think I will enjoy this tag a lot and a trip down memory lane. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • Summer @ Xingsings says:

      Aww, strangely the fact that you approve of my Patronus choice makes my day. I love dolphins! And you’re welcome, Chooi! I know you don’t do tags often but I thought this would be a nice one for Read, Think, Ponder. Hope you have fun when you get around to it. 🙂 And the last time I’ve reread HP has been years as well. We should marathon them together someday!


      • cwreads says:

        Hahaha, I do! It suits your bright and lovely personality, and your enthusiasm as well!

        Hehe, I know! I’ve been tagged a few times within the last fortnight but I’m so behind. I’m thinking of revamping the look of RTP, so until I get all that done, all my tag posts will be on hold! But thank you for thinking of me regardless. ❤

        AHHH WE SHOULD! That’s a great idea!! It’d be so awesome… it’s been soooo long since I read them. :’)

        Liked by 1 person

        • Summer @ Xingsings says:

          Aww, thank you, Chooi! You’re too kind! ^.^ And haha, no worries. I’m always way behind on tags/awards as well so you’re definitely not alone. Sometimes I like to save some of them for months later when the moment feels more right. I have a Chipotle Burrito Bowl tag I’m excited about but I want to go eat at Chipotle first… And The Blogger Recognition Award? I really want to post that on my 1 year blogoversary (I think I’ll be more qualified then to give advice-or maybe not). Anyway, my point is take your time and have fun when you get around to posting them. So no pressure! And I look forward to seeing the changes on RTP, I’m sure it’ll look great!! 😀 AND YES! We should totally try it the end of this year or sometime!

          Liked by 1 person

          • cwreads says:

            Ooh, well I think it will be worthwhile waiting to post those tags! 🙂 They’re mean more when timed right, right?
            Heheh, thanks Summer! 😀 Though I do promise I’ll post them eventually. And thanks! I’m excited too. It’s taken a lot more work than I initially thought it would, so I can’t wait to share with everyone how it looks when I’m done! n_n

            Absolutely! I honestly look forward to it! 😀

            Liked by 1 person

  8. Carolyn says:

    Thanks for tagging me Summer (again)! LOL I would totally pick the Invisibility Cloak too :3 and I can die happy if I’ve met Emma Watson lol. I really like how she’s a UN abassador too.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Cassandra @ Read All About It! says:

    I freaking love this tag…can’t wait to write my post. I live for every opportunity to gush about Harry Potter.
    Thanks for the tag 😄.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. aentee @ read at midnight says:

    Ooo I love this tag. Also a fellow Potterhead here haha.

    ORDER OF THE PHOENIX was such an emotional book for Harry, I’m glad you liked it best!! My favourite is GOBLET OF FIRE though.

    I only ever cried once reading HP – when I read the last page. It was such a huge part of my life haha.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Summer @ Xingsings says:

      Well consider youself formally tagged then! I would love to see your responses if you decided to participate! (And see what pretty graphic you come up with!) And Goblet of Fire was a very good book and film, so I can why you loved that one. And I bet, I know a lot of people that practically grew up with Harry.


  11. teafunny says:

    I can’t even imagine reading book 7 first. What a unique experience. During my rereads, while waiting for the next book to come out, I would read them in reverse order. It was an interesting way to read the story. Loved your answers Summer.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Trisha Ann says:

    Oh my gosh this is such a cool book tag! I’m excited to do this! Thanks for tagging me! 🙂
    I love your answers especially on what kind of Patronus you’ll have. 🙂 That’s a pretty big snake I think, if it can wrap itself around your palm. I’m with Adam too on his tweet. I can’t help but give people the classic quizzical look if they ask whether HP book stands for a Hewlett Packard manual or something else lol 😛

    Liked by 1 person

    • Summer @ Xingsings says:

      I know right? I can’t believe it took me this long to post it but I’m so glad I did since a lot of bloggers haven’t come across it yet. And no problem, you were the first friend that came into mind since you had that HP blog series! And LOL. Yes, Hewlett Packard is the majority response I get as well!

      Liked by 1 person

  13. Find Me at the Library says:

    Being a huge Potterhead, finding this tag was great, and it just moved to the top of my “to-post” list, because I am that excited to answer these questions. Also, we are total patronus twins, because I thought dolphin for me before I even read your answer. Seriously pumped to do this tag!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Summer @ Xingsings says:

      /high five/ Gosh, I guess dolphins are really popular; we’re actually patronus triplets with Analee (she also mentioned she would have chosen a dolphin in her comment above). 😉 XD And I just formally tagged you. Hope you have fun!

      Oh and this is going to sound kind of creepy but I was trying to find you name (don’t worry, you can still stay anon if you want! I just wanted to make sure I didn’t miss your name if case you did share it.) to add to the post so I was looking through your July 2014 archives and I realized you’ve been blogging for a year now. Happy blogoversary girl! 😀


  14. Summer @ Xingsings says:

    /high five/ Gosh, I guess dolphins are really popular; we’re actually patronus triplets with Analee (she also mentioned she would have chosen a dolphin in her comment above). 😉 XD And I just formally tagged you. Hope you have fun!

    Oh and this is going to sound kind of creepy but I was trying to find you name (don’t worry, you can still stay anon if you want! I just wanted to make sure I didn’t miss your name if case you did share it.) to add to the post so I was looking through your July 2014 archives and I realized you’ve been blogging for a year now. Happy blogoversary girl! 😀


  15. Thuong Le says:

    Thanks for tagging me! I enjoyed reading your answers, esp. your story of how you got into HP! You read the last book first?! I can imagine how confused you were. Haha the Order of the Phoenix is actually my least favourite and I actually really liked the Chamber of Secrets 🙂 A dolphin as patronus would be interesting!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Summer @ Xingsings says:

      No problem! Haha, thanks for reading and commenting Thuong! Yes, I was very confused but somehow I managed to continue on. 😀 But I did go out to buy the other books the same I day I finished that one!


  16. Joey @ thoughts and afterthoughts says:

    That awkward moment when you’re referred to from a tag post and you’re wondering when you got tagged. Story of our lives, Summer. And you would be correct, I only read the past Chamber but I’ve seen all the movies multiple times. Perhaps real Potterheads would discredit this though LOL.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Summer @ Xingsings says:

      Haha, well good thing WP has that referrer feature! Otherwise you’d be out of the loop on yet another tag-speaking of being out of the loop, the books get really good after Prisoner of Azkaban. So if you’re ever feeling up for some long, lengthy texts…

      (And it looks like you really caught up with replying to comments this past week, lol.)


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