Your Life in Books Tag

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Hello! How have you all been? Today I wanted to tackle another tag from the draft queue, the Your Life in Books tag. I was first tagged by Alex at Alextheshadowgirl’s Blog in May of 2015 and later tagged by Jenna at Reading with Jenna. This seems like such a fun and unique tag. Thank you both so much for thinking of me!

Note: This is a 2015 tag, meaning I was first tagged in 2015. I’m just trying to go through all the awards and tags from my 2015 queue. But I am an tag/award free blog in that I won’t be doing any more tags/awards after I go through the 2015 drafts. Sorry for the confusion!

    1. Find a book for each of your initials
      SLN (so similar to Saturday Night Live, I know XD ) are my initials.

      Of these, I’ve only read Spirit Bound and New Moon, both vampire books (hehe). However I did read Scott Westerfeld’s Uglies series, which I really enjoyed. I’m sure I’ll like Leviathan too.

    2. Count your age along your book shelf-which book is it?
      Okay, so this was more complicated than I thought it’d be. I wasn’t sure what shelf I wanted to start with (left, right, top, or bottom), but I ended beginning from my bottom left red shelf. I am 20 so my 20th book is:

      I really liked The Morning Gift when I read it. It’s been 5+ years ago so I really want to reread it sometime soon or any of Eva Ibbotson’s historical fiction works.

    3. Pick a book that represents a destination you would love to travel to.
      Since I love Japanese culture and entertainment (manga, anime, J-dramas), and two other bloggers in the blogosphere have visited the beautiful country in 2015 (Aentee at Read at Midnight and Trisha at The Bookgasm) I think Japan would be pretty fascinating.

    4. Pick a book that’s your favourite color.
      Blue is actually my favorite color. But purple is a color I’ve grown fond of over the years. And I thought Rogue had a prefix mix between the two. (Don’t mind the tea and tea carafe; this was a bookstagram photo.)

    5. Which book do you have the fondest memories of?
      Why Harry Potter, of course!
    6. Which book did you have the most difficulty reading?
      Hmm, probably anything Shakespeare. Unlike my friend Ashley at Dreamingthroughliterature, I don’t really appreciate Shakespearean speech.
    7. Which book in your TBR pile will give you the biggest sense of accomplishment when you finish it?
      Any classic really (perhaps one of the thicker ones like Anna Karenina or Les Misérables) since I seldom pick them up. I read them a lot when I was in high school but it’s been two years since I’ve last opened one.

I Tag –

5 Bloggers I want to get to know more:

And that’s a wrap. Thank you for reading. As always, hope you guys have a fabulous day! ^.^

57 thoughts on “Your Life in Books Tag

  1. lessca8sings says:

    This was a really interesting tag & I’m glad you did it! I’d heard of some but not all of the books you mentioned, so yay for exposure! And it’s always fun getting a peek into the life of a blogger.
    Shakespeare & me…I’ve probably begun like 5 of his plays and haven’t finished any. I tell myself I’ll read them someday. I’d also eventually like to read Les Miserables, but the length seriously frightens me. Ah well. I hope your bookish life (and life in general) continue to be amazing!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Summer @ Xingsings says:

      Thanks so much for reading and commenting, Lish! It makes me happy that you learned of some new titles. I don’t think that happens often since I tend to like pretty popular books. And oh my gosh, the only reason why I’ve finished a number of Shakespeare’s plays is because they were assigned when I was in high school. I’d never read them willingly. So props to you for attempting to start them! And gosh, tomes are daunting but classic tomes are super intimidating. Happy reading and blogging!


  2. Carolyn says:

    DAMN IT I put green as your favorite color on the giveaway thing!! FAIL I don’t even know why I thought that. I just thought you were a green type of person but apparently I WAS WRONG.
    I would love to go to Japan one day too :3

    Liked by 2 people

    • Summer @ Xingsings says:

      LOL. I SAW THAT and was like “Oh, Carolyn…” Haha. XD I mean I have so much blue on this blog?? And Japan seems like such a beautiful country. This is so tourist-y of me but I want to have a photo of me reading my favorite manga under a cherry blossom tree. Lol.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Carolyn says:

        Well that just tells you I’m not really observant then lol..Then again I don’t go on your blog that often because I just read your posts through my feed :p
        HAHA I think that’s what every American thinks Japanese people do..


    • Summer @ Xingsings says:

      The only reason why I want to read Anna Karenina (other than because I saw the movie with Keira Knightley) is because my friend (who happened to become valedictorian of my class in high school) was reading it senior year and he loved it. And that’s incredible that you actually enjoy Shakespeare’s meter; I wish I could say the same. And aww, thanks, Alyssa!


  3. dreamingthroughliterature says:

    Haha I loved that you mentioned me in the Shakespeare question! I do have a soft spot for him (although I totally understand why so many people don’t 😛 ) Thanks for the tag Summer!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Jenna @ Reading with Jenna says:

    Anna Karenina is one of my reading goals too. Probably won’t happen for a couple of years though! And those Julie Kagawa books are so beautiful! We only have them in paperback here and they’re not as nice to look at! Also, your copy of Leviathan is beautiful! I have Goliath in hardcover but my others are in a super short paperback, so it looks totally awkward next to Goliath.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Thuong Le says:

    Thanks for the tag, Summer! I love the colour purple and that’s a gorgeous book cover you have ❤ Not a fan of Shakespeare either, its just hard to decipher but its compulsory to study it at school. My brother’s been to Japan. I’d love to go there, sounds like an amazing place and a must-visit! Even though I only read HP in 2013, its also one of my fondest memories :’)

    Liked by 1 person

    • Summer @ Xingsings says:

      I think it’s really hard to find a young adult book to live up to Harry Potter expectations. It’s just so popular and well loved. And that’s so cool! I had a cousin that was living in Japan and he loved it there. Haha, right?! Shakespeare’s prose always has me so confused. And I know his plays are meant to be dramatic but I always find myself laughing from the ridiculousness. XD I think he’s an acquire taste for readers or maybe classicists. And you’re welcome, Thuong! Hope to see your post for this tag in the future (no rush or anything).

      Liked by 1 person

  6. aentee @ read at midnight says:

    Yesss you need to visit Japan, if you grew up loving it visiting the country will only intensify it by about 1 million times. If I had time I would visit every year, but alas there are other countries I must visit before I settle down XD

    Omg your initials are so cool. Mine is ANT. Which is not ideal sobs

    Liked by 1 person

    • Summer @ Xingsings says:

      I’m so glad you had such a good time and your Japan series was so fun to follow. LOL, it feels strange to hear you talk about settling down. You still have plenty of time to travel, Aentee! And haha, aww, ANT’s not so bad. It could be worse. At least it’s not like some cuss word…


  7. Trisha Ann says:

    I SECOND AENTEE’S COMMENT! You should visit Japan! Their culture is fascinating, their architecture, the very very organized system, their arts (Don’t get me started on anime!), their complex trains, ugh I could go on forever! But no seriously, I hope you could visit there. Maybe drop by Japan when you go to your dad’s home country in Vietnam (Oh and that’s close to the Philippines! I can give you the tour!) 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    • Summer @ Xingsings says:

      Haha, I am so, so happy you enjoyed your trip to Japan, Trisha! Thanks for sharing your journey through photos with the rest of us. I just want to go there to simply look at the beautiful cherry blossoms and visit their beautiful shrines. Gah. And hehe, when I visit Vietnam I’ll have to make a trip to all of Asia somehow. 😉 I’d love to visit the Philippines! 😀


    • Summer @ Xingsings says:

      Ah, I’ve been recommended that one for so long! I read Westerfeld’s Uglies series and liked it as a preteen. And I think Leviathan has some steampunk elements? It seems like a set up for success! I’ll try to get to it sooner than later. :3

      Liked by 1 person

      • leannaatc says:

        Leviathan can be summeed up very easily: steampunk WWI.

        I feel like that’s enough to get anyone to read it, but for more context, it’s about Franz Ferdinand’s son and a Scottish girl pretending to be a male so she can join the air naxy. The Triple Axis use mechs and the Allies use chimera. It’s so awesome!


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